Originally it was going to be “don’t dog-ear the pages,” but since Jibbz has a distinctive canine quality, I felt it would be confusing.
Originally it was going to be “don’t dog-ear the pages,” but since Jibbz has a distinctive canine quality, I felt it would be confusing.
“Ding the pages”? I know about metallic pages, is that the type?
Choan is the love of his moment.
DEFINITELY a book lover after my own culturally-significant organ-of-emotional-desire. (In medieval Europe, it was the liver. Go figure.)
And after some thought, I think “ding” works better. It covers a wider variety of abuses, such as leaving a ring-shaped coffee cup stain on the pages.
HA! Sorry Jibbz. Joan is awesome, but she is not the settle down type. Not at all.
Poor Jibbz, he just got Choaned.
There’s more to Jibbz than meets the eye, which I think is good. If you can’t be surprising, you’re as predicable as a pool ball. Who wants that? Other than pool hustlers, that is.
Pilot does not skip a beat.
I adore Pilot. I think she’s one of the best characters I’ve created in years.
Every time I read Choan’s speech bubble, I hear Jane Lynch’s voice! No idea why either.
She’s the voice of the AI on Final Space (if y’all aren’t watching that, something’s deathly wrong with you!)