@Libby, I will drop you a line sometime (theoretically) today.
Peter Rogan
Pierrot is right, regardless. Emily still has time to make amends, and become more real. She has only to realize that.
The question remains as to what Dmitri will do with himself, now that Devyat has outgrown him. And he badly wants those gone days back, never mind how ridiculous that is now. He has to grow a good deal more than Emily, and while she knows where she must go, Dmitri has no clue. And all I can think of is: Where the devil is Red-9?? She’s as responsible for this situation as he is — doesn’t it occur to her what’s going on? She’s had plenty of time to recover from Devyat’s zapping — why isn’t she here with Dmitri?
You know Dimitri is worried when he’s decided to simply skip straight to the bottle.
Digestive systems are designed to handle food and drink, not foot and drinks.
Can we still buy these? It would be great next to my other favorite Dimitri original. Also, I can’t believe you were in Iowa and didn’t let us know!!
@Libby, I will drop you a line sometime (theoretically) today.
Pierrot is right, regardless. Emily still has time to make amends, and become more real. She has only to realize that.
The question remains as to what Dmitri will do with himself, now that Devyat has outgrown him. And he badly wants those gone days back, never mind how ridiculous that is now. He has to grow a good deal more than Emily, and while she knows where she must go, Dmitri has no clue. And all I can think of is: Where the devil is Red-9?? She’s as responsible for this situation as he is — doesn’t it occur to her what’s going on? She’s had plenty of time to recover from Devyat’s zapping — why isn’t she here with Dmitri?
You know Dimitri is worried when he’s decided to simply skip straight to the bottle.