02/14/19 – What It’s About




There’s little more terrifying than an incompetent enemy who is properly armed.


  1. Ada

    I think their impersonation skills are better in person – we’ve seen that people are very willing to believe that a Slinten pod is who it’s impersonating. Some combination of pheromones and psi powers?

    1. Nova

      Yeah, IIRC it’s specifically mentioned in some previous comics that they have pheromones (or spores or something like that) that skew your thinking so you start believing that it’s the original.

  2. Meran

    I thought the Slinton Pod race to be very weird, odd, not well planned out for an alien species (by its Creator, of course ??), but then I fell in love with the race.

    I’m glad to see them standing up for themselves, finally. (And “standing” is just a convenient word for what the Pod does when it takes a form.)

    Chris, your mind, even sick (didn’t you get that flu shot??), is still pretty inventive. As well as hilarious.

    I wish for you lots of soup to get better for longer! “Pizza” is NOT what my Jewish mother neighbor gave me when I was sick. “Pizza” just tests the limits of your digestive system. ???? (PS. I’ve never liked pizza anyway. ~~Off to make a vegetarian lasagna!)(oh, and I’m NOT sick. So I can eat not-soup if I want.)

    I’m certainly jealous of all the museums you get to see! My area has very little in that venue. So I cruise the galleries when I need to.

  3. Randall R. Besch

    The Slinten pods, will they ever get justice…and some help?

    Vegetarian lasagna is delicious! I have had both types and I like both.

    “Not soup”? Is that like “unbirthday” perchance?

  4. Peter Rogan

    It’s not easy to come up with a race so thoroughly dislikeable, so pathetically overreachingly ambitious, and yet so helplessly helpless as the Laufians, slinten podded or not. A singular achievement.

    I have to wonder for how many millennia they have been the Galaxy’s dogsbody, every single time deserving it no matter how badly cheated, mauled or used before. What keeps such a species from becoming pathetic enough that somebody, anybody, would show even one of them a little compassion? How thoroughly below notice do they have to be to make even the concept of being friendly to one/bag of them laughable, if not actually inconceivable?

    Yes yes, I know, they’re manipulative little creeps with a faulty sense of self-worth and a raging sense of entitlement. The wonder is that this somehow hasn’t caused somebody to rage off and erase their DNA from the Galaxy. Can you be so pathetically futile that even with your interminable meddling, no species has yet found it worth the effort to set itself the noble goal of wiping you out, root and branch and bag?


  5. Muzhik

    Yes yes, I know, they’re manipulative little creeps with a faulty sense of self-worth and a raging sense of entitlement. The wonder is that this somehow hasn’t caused somebody to rage off and erase their DNA from the Galaxy.

    Well, if that’s going to be your criteria for erasing DNA from the Galaxy, you’d have to eliminate every 12-to-14 year old girl in the galaxy. Better take out the 11 and 15 year olds just to be on the safe side.

    1. Peter Rogan

      Kids grow up and generally repent of their whinyness and self-absorption. The Laufians, much less so. How can any race be so pathetic as to be despicable, and yet never worth the effort to exterminate? Unless, like cockroaches, they are nearly immotal and dwell in such small and stinking places that one would have to disassemble entire cities to root them all out. Shipworms of the Galaxy, that’s the Laufians.

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