If you don’t remember the conversation where Devyat asks to be penpals, here’s the link: https://www.baldwinpage.com/spacetrawler/2017/01/23/012317-yuris-send-off/
If you don’t remember the conversation where Devyat asks to be penpals, here’s the link: https://www.baldwinpage.com/spacetrawler/2017/01/23/012317-yuris-send-off/
Is it just me, or is the idea of Dimitri, of all people, getting mad enough to hunt down and kill someone specific kinda horrifying?
I assumed it was not a hunt down and kill issue, that simply Nogg would be the moment he went near Dmitri. And because Nogg is stupid this would not take long.
Daaa-aad, stop frightening the poor things, it’s hard enough to get a date as a mixed-species hybrid as it is!
@Leinglo, I hear you. Whenever he’s feeling too cuddly and soft I think of this strip: https://www.baldwinpage.com/spacetrawler/2011/11/22/spacetrawler6ewrgb/
@Leinglo, Dimitri is Russian. That means he is not (by definition) any more or less blood-thirsty than the average carbon-based life forms. It DOES mean that he is (by definition) more than willing and able to simply do what needs to be done, without guilt or pleasure.
It’s a side effect of being such a passionate people.
Nogg has a bad habit of launching effective heroic missions. He’s like Inspector Clouseau crossed with Nick Fury.
Or Inspector Gadget.
He’s the interstellar Forrest Gump?
I was thinking Maxwell Smart.
I’ve always thought of Dmitri as an iron fist inside a yellow velvet glove with a happy face on it.
Elegant exposition skip using an old joke! I assume it can’t have been planned, only because two weeks ago you said you were still deciding who was going to receive the story. But I would have believed otherwise.
Devyat was ONE of the characters I was considering, so it wasn’t 100% blind. But it’s always interesting to make unplanned things work and SEEM planned. Partly because I leave SO MANY loose story threads that I can later use them, but also to creatively re-purpose. Like, them becoming penpals, which was not planned but totally works from both their conversation and on top of their personalities which would lead this to be a very likely outcome.
Brooke McEldowney does much the same thing. But not as seamlessly. We’ll leave aside any discussions of Philip K. Dick.
True. When they met face-to-face Yuri wanted nothing to do with Devyat, but a penpal relationship gives her enough space between them to handle it.