It’s hard to have adventure-humor without a trap-door. It’s like PB&J without burnt coffee and fake creamer. There’s just something not right about it.
It’s hard to have adventure-humor without a trap-door. It’s like PB&J without burnt coffee and fake creamer. There’s just something not right about it.
You can’t have a lair without one. Seriously, you can’t. It’s one of the standard LOA regulations. You don’t know villainy until you encounter an LOA.
I’m sorry — LOA?
I’m guessing “Lair Owners Association”.
Ahhh! The same people who prohibit you from having more than one getaway vehicle parked in front of your lair? The ones that require at least **2** exits from any underground laboratory? The ones that prohibit bumper stickers on your getaway vehicles? The ones that prohibit flying any flags in front of your house? That LOA?
Mauricio, set Jabby on “kill”. Justice is about to be done.
Also the LOA that demands the existence of self destruct buttons on all evil objects over 1 cubic meter in size, the ones that demand all evil actions have at least five minutes between initiation of the procedure and anything actually happening, and the ones that demand villainous organizations have relatively obvious and mildly groan inducing names. They play both sides.
List of the Gounder’s Evil Overlord List adherence (or lack of) starts…
Oh Wezzle, why oh why would you pass up such a beautiful opportunity to use the word “oubliette”. It’s one of my favorites, and I’m not even an evil overlord.
@Efogoto, unless you see a pile of bones, bone-analogues, or discarded carapaces (discarded because their inhabitants are dead — D-E-A-D — DEAD) on the floor around you, you don’t have a proper oubliette. Q.E.D.
“Who’s in the oubliette?”
“I forget.”
It is oddly reassuring to see that the apex weapon of future-tech is easily bested by pre-historic trapping techniques.
@andreas – you get my upvote
What a flaw. No means of climbing out or blasting through the walls? Or its back flash would roast them. Neat to see how easy it is to capture them.
Those trapdoor seams were really obvious on the floor. I understand that Mauricio is naive and Jabby is arrogantly confident, but how the heck did Wezzle survive this long being so unobservant? Yeah, yeah, Law of Funny, ok.
Yeah, only thing missing was a sign on the floor saying “trap door.”
…Is the image moved very slightly to the right compared to every other page? The right edge of the comic is under the sidebar for me.
Thanks, @Toxic! Fixed! (I have to center each strip, or this happens, so if I err and you see it again, don’t hesitate to let me know!) 🙂
….and Mauricio is no longer strangely passive. But that could just be the loss of his hat.