03/06/17 Easier to Show




This is certainly why I keep a pit of boiling acid near my office — for quick escapes. πŸ˜‰

I’m hitting the road on Wednesday. I’m pretty sure I’ll have all comics done to last until I reach my next destination. So much of traveling is getting ahead and then catching up. But worth it! Gonna camp in southern NM on the way. Good things ahead. πŸ™‚


I have changed “MOLTEN ACID” to “BOILING ACID.” I liked the sound of “molten” and I didn’t feel it was inaccurate, but in the end I didn’t care in any deep way, and it seems to bother a good number of people in a pretty deep way. I’d much rather people be bothered by some of the stupider bigger stuff I plan to pull. πŸ™‚

Changed in good heart and with a smile. Honestly.



      1. David

        And now all I can see is a mental picture of a terrified Aulton in the foreground, with Bikkie, leaping across the pit, eyes frenzied, screaming “BLOOD!!”

        1. someone_else

          Actually it does say “molten acid”. Some acids are solid at room temperature. As a kid I had fun making acid crystals to annoy the other kids at school with the ph test strips. πŸ™‚ So yeah, it’s rather reasonable that it’s actually molten, as to whether or not it’s reached the boiling point, I don’t know, but the small section we can see does look like it might also be boiling, or at least roiling.

  1. DrunkenNordmann

    Wait, how do you melt acid? It’s a fluid in the first place.

    I sincerely hope this species doesn’t make the smartest one of the bunch the leader because that’d make me shudder for their future.

      1. Knicholas

        Well, I don’t mind acid. Nothing wrong with acid. But MOLTEN acid. . . well that REALLY stings.

        Personally, I’d be a lot more invested in local politics is every mayor and premier had to run across a tightrope over a pit of molten acid.

  2. Schismatism

    Somehow, Nogg manages to actually come up with a viable crew for practically every circumstance, seen or unforeseen. And then they almost invariably meet horrible fates via circumstances which probably should have been seen.

  3. Night-Gaunt49

    Reminds me of Syndrome’s lair connected to a live volcano. Only no tight rope. It is interesting that the acid isn’t boiling away at that heat. Might be some synthetic kind designed for special purposes like that.

  4. andreas

    You may ask yourself now why we would have taken the trouble to install this elaborate parkour designed to be hard for alien races while easy for all of us Aultons when we unequivocally did not – and I repeat – did not – have relations with any aliens whatsoever.

    Fair question – let me refer it to our media spokesaulton…

    (attempts to duck and run but taken aback by Bikkies’ snarling, Anesu’s persistent smiling, and Krep’s rolling his eye while muttering obscenities apparently to do with overpriced fish with suboptimal fat-to-muscle ratio being offered at the market).

  5. I have changed “MOLTEN ACID” to “BOILING ACID.” I liked the sound of “molten” and I didn’t feel it was inaccurate, but in the end I didn’t care in any deep way, and it seems to bother a good number of people in a pretty deep way. I’d much rather people be bothered by some of the stupider bigger stuff I plan to pull. πŸ™‚

    Changed in good heart and with a smile. Honestly.

  6. Peter Rogan

    Mmmm… MOLTEN BOILING ACID wouldn’t work as a compromise? I think it kinda has a music to it. MOLTEN BOILING ACID MOLTEN BOILING ACID MOLTEN BOILING ACID… I’m turning into Zippy the Pinhead, aren’t I?

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