Hey! I made it farther than the last two strips. I actually managed to get the inks done on this one. (the originally posted inks here)
But things will go back to normal now. All the orders have been packaged and tonight I can actually sleep relaxed. Of course, there are only two strips left to this story, and then on to the next project. I’m EXCITED!!!
Not much else to report. I’ve just been packaging orders. I wanted to give the care and attention to each order, each doodle, each certificate, that they each deserved. I’ll cross my fingers they get to you by Christmas.
<3 -Christopher
She Wore A Yellow Ribbon reference:
Sergeant: Will you come quietly, Quincannon?”
Quincannon; “Laddie, I’ve never gone anywhere peaceably in me life!”
Fight ensues.
That’s good stuff!
I’ve gone back and I still can’t find the panel/comic where Laylin mentioned “two dead guards”! Anyone can help me out here? :s
6th panel.
See This is why you take your kids with you when treasure hunting.
you wouldn’t know that unless you were there! Or, you asked someone what had happened and they answered.
Seems odd that Emily wouldn’t pick up on that at the time but DID pick up on it later.
Of such things are made plot and pacing, Drachefly.
Looking forward to see where you take us next, Christopher! Do you already have a domain set up for the project, or is there going to be a good deal of downtime first while you get everything ready to create? (I’m not sure how far out in advance you plan these things.)
@Stewart, There will be no downtime. Although I might do some filler for a week or two as I get my ducks in a row.
And I will be running it simultaneously here as well as on baldwinpage.com for a month or so, then exclusively at baldwinpage.com. My plan is to centralize, and continue using baldwinpage for this and future projects.
Panel 3: “I blame on her”. Should that be “I put the blame on her” or “I blamed her”?
BTW, for my part, I did get your package of doodley-goods, thanks very much, it was awesome for it to show at my doorstep right before Xmas! Thanks for all your hard work!
Chris, thanks for all your hardwork and care with the Book 3 packaging, I just got mine yesterday, looking forward to reading it over Christmas vacation =)
Just received the books, and awesome as expected!
I got my book (with the awesome Dimitri doodle *thanks!*), my certificate and the wonderful little extras. You are awesome and I am eagerly looking forward to the next adventure! (btw – I *still* cry when I read Yuri’s update)