This space left intentionally swank.
And lastly, again, if you’re doing holiday shopping, I have merchandise at Topatoco (ST Book #3 will be added there in January), including: Spacetrawler books 1-2, Little Dee, Bruno, etc at my Topatoco Store.
Annnnd also and IF you’re planning to shop at Amazon, please enter Amazon
via my banner at the top of the page. Or here: Amazon
. I receive a percentage and so it’s all win-win.
Well, I recently dd about $400 through your Amazon link. That ought to get you at least a dollar.
“This is so much better than television.” Ha! I’m still laughing at that one!
I’d really love to see Emily take out a few rows of Ellzbir’s teeth.
Looks like Emily finally grew tired of being beat up.
Thank you, @War_Pig!
Grab him by the head fin and start flinging him into things until it stops being funny.
A couple of days ago, I stumbled upon a couple of Bruno books in a comic store bargain bin. They looked interesting, & were cheap, so I picked them up.
I now sit with my mouth agape, utterly hooked. Obviously, I am very late to the party, but I am pleased beyond words to have discovered your stunning work. I have rarely read a comic of such depth & beauty. I am very happy that I have many years worth of your work to catch up on now. Thank you for putting such great art into the world!