Up late finishing the strip. A crazy week, I’m going to have to move my office again. Long story. But what would be the fun conquering the world without it having some hurdles?
Um. but it’s late. not sure what to blog about. Take a nice walk. Eat popcorn. Read Dr. McNinja.
And a reminder, I’ll be tabling at the Tucson Festival of Books March 9-10 at Tucson’s University of Arizona with an enormously talented group of woman who write Romance Novels. Check out who I’m tabling with!
Amber Scott – http://amberscottbooks.com
Amber Polo – http://amber@amberpolo.com
Belinda Boring – http://www.belindaboring.com/
Brenda Whiteside – http://brendawhiteside.com
Clarissa Ellison – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/shadowman-erin-kellison/1102991105
Deena Remiel – http://deenar116.wordpress.com/
Donna Hatch – http://donnahatch.com/
Erin Quinn (aka Erin Grady) – http://www.erinquinnbooks.com/
Gini Koch – http://www.ginikoch.com/
Kris Tualla – http://www.kristualla.com/
Lacey Weatherford – http://www.laceyweatherfordbooks.com/
Lynn Rush – http://lynnrush.com/
Michelle McKissack – http://www.michellemckissack.com/
Morgan Kearns – http://morgankearns.com/
R. Boschee – http://www.rebeccaboschee.com/books.htm
Sandra Lee Smith – http://sandraleesmith.com/
Sharon Hamilton – http://sharonhamiltonauthor.com/
Tami Vinson – http://www.tamivinson.com/
vijaya schartz – http://www.vijayaschartz.com/
wendy ely – http://www.wendyely.blogspot.com/
I’ll admit the first time I read the final bubble I thought it said “Economics.” As in “Economics is totally important.” (I.E. Desk jobs can be as important as the front-line). Heh.
Glad to see the return of non-sleep deprived one-glass Dimitri.
Plus… Award for Best Complement Ever?
Outstanding. Keep up the great work. I hope that really did eliminate Rickshaw. Dude was getting on my nerves.
Oh, man, that last panel kills. Hilarious!
In panel 3, is that supposed to be “any assistance”?
In the third panel, should “an assistance” be “any assistance”?
Nah, it’s the Russian in him and trying to speak English. Syntax isn’t always spot on…
“An assistance” is grammatically and contextually correct.
I hope Dimitri isn’t going to let the Bollycks go without mentioning that Martina didn’t do anything…
Aaaand Rickshaw’s real motivations for joining the Eeb cause are laid bare. It obviously was only incidentally anything to do with helping the Eebs.
Chris, perhaps it’s time to take down the cheesy animated GIF mentioning the holiday season?
Rikshaw happens to be in the last surviving ship of his armada? Looks like he did not really put himself in the line of fire and let others die for him. A true leader indeed…
“An/y assistance” has been fixed!
@Ada, I just need to find time to create a new non-holiday “Amazon” link to replace it first. But it’s on the list of things to do (and at least is relegated to the bottom dungeon of the page). 🙂
Hmm. Somehow, after watching Rickshaw set the tone in the first pages of story and then disappear for so long, I had expected Rickshaw to be more of a major player after he finally resurfaced. It’s almost anticlimactic to see him dispatched in a random panel. Oh well, c’est la guerre.
So glad Krep already got out of there.
aww. i feel sorry for Dimitri…stuck behind a desk when he could be out pirating 🙁 oh well, at least maybe he’ll remember to take regular stretch breaks!
‘Pirating’ what politics Should be.
‘Eeb Opressors’ should have a double ‘p’. Grammar & spelling pirates hit you quickly and then sail off to correct others!
Some fanatics won’t quit until they get their pound of flesh and bucket of blood.
Sorry, it’s just that hearing his rhetoric, seeing how he died, and focusing on his skin color, all I can think of is:
“Better dead than red”.
And this has probably been brought up before, but…
A long time ago in a web page far, far away, we first met Rikshaw liberating a bunch of eebs and taking off for places unknown. Did we ever find out what happened to those eebs? Will they fit into the storyline?
You’re tabling with a bunch of romance writers? What am I missing here?
I can’t believe it either, Dimitri. Hey, Rickshaw just took the knowledge of where he took those eebs he liberated to his grave!
Gotta love ergonomic pirates (Hmm… that might not be a bad title for a book)
A presentation quibble, Chris. You have Amber Polo’s URL shown with an ampersand in the middle (the link works fine, though)
Lastly, I forget. Did Dimitri already tell the Bollycks he’s human?
Dread Pirate Sokolov! Getting his Kirk on with the lady-oids, brilliant strategist, the life of the party, immune to stun gun fire, galactic patent holder on Russian tea cakes, billionaire, playbeing, champion of the oppressed everywhere and always favored by fortune it’s Space Pirate Captain Harlok–I mean–Sokolov!
You know you’re all thinkin’ it!
But I don’t know. I feel a sense of growing dread around Martina’s whereabouts and activities at this point. Maybe I feel an even bigger sense of dread about what Dustin is doing at this point!
I love the Bollykcs’ kind-hearted advice.
@Frank: Yup, they knew.