All is well in my world. I’m reading Women and Soap Opera: A Study of Prime Time Soaps which is awesome. Strange what I find awesome. I like reading things which I learn writing techniques from. Sometimes i like to read a mystery’s solution before reading the mystery, so I can see how the author crafted it. Good times. For me at least. I’m also listening to The Passage which is surprisingly satisfying so far.
My girlfriend and I made Logan Bread, which was strangely good.
Last free model studio session until February. I may go to one or two non-free one between then and now, but we’ll see. Here’s from this week.
“He’d eat a salad” cracked me up, and it only got funnier from there. Loved the delight on Yuri’s face in the last panel especially.
Minor note: in panel 9, I think it should say “when we were” rather than “when we we’re”.
Nogg is a brave fish.
Does Logan Bread go “snikt” when you upset it?
Not sure if this would make it more palatable, but being food could be employment. Probably not prefferable but hey a deal better than a steal. Although the hospital stays might not be worth it.
Give Yuri a bit of Shauedenfreude (SP?) and it’s all better
I need to stop reading in the middle of the night. The end of panel 3 kept coming across as “He’s a diplomatic felon.”
RE: being food could be employment
The Bandersnatch do something similar to that in the Known Space books, but instead of food, they allow folks (for a fairly large fee) to try to hunt them.
Nogg: Touché.
Well, you can always synthesize the Furryite flavor from asteroids, right?
Panel 10 Nogg is saying ‘the’ twice.
Ah, so she burnt the village in order to rescue it. Nice.
@Joal, @Jonesy, fixed! Thanks!
@Brian, it also causes the runs. I think thank named a movie after it.
@Joker, oddly I think that most American Humor has boiled down to all the variations of Schadenfreude due likely to our culture being based on competition rather than community. But that’s all just some crackpot humor theory.
@William & Carson: For that matter, Mao Sugiyama did something like that in real life (if you really want to know, Google it).
Coincidentally enough re today’s general theme, according to X-Men #148 (2003) Wolverine himself once survived for six months under a glacier by eating strips off his own arm, since his healing factor grew the flesh right back. Probably didn’t have any bread with him, though.
Letting Grant Morrison write X-Men was IMHO a GINORMOUS mistake from IMFHO which the team’s never really recovered — wiping out an entire nation right from the get-go, what was the DEAL with some British comic book writers in the 2000s, anyway? Why did they have to be so damned DEPRESSING about everything? — but thank heavens it’s all over now.
Ah, the sweetness of a revenge moral high ground quip
Wow, Yuri has really become quite the little sociopath. I hope something will eventually happen to help her rediscover some empathy.
To be fair, slaughtering the flower people is similar to eating a salad.
Yuri is still to fanatical about slaughter. What good is it killing the people she says she wants to help?
Apostrophe is in the wrong place in “it’s”, panel 9
Yuri’s last line totally cracked me up.
How does Yuri steer with her dodgeball hand?
In regards to your life drawings, You might find the blog at http://www.lifedraw.com.au/ interesting – either inspiring or disheartening
Yuri steers with her dodgeball hand the same way StrongBad types with boxing gloves on…
Hawaii? I think they have enough aliens with Disney’s Stitch
Panel 3, Nogg says “All I’m saying it that…” I think that ‘it’ should be an ‘is’.
Logan Bread is that brand with the convenient light that blinks red when it goes stale.
What is the Draak-Sim anyway?
@Efogoto, thanks! Will fix!
@VincentG, I think first mentioned here, and a picture of it in panel 3 here, and mentioned again here.
“It” is still not fixed in panel 3
Okay, serious question this time. If all it takes in this universe to become a nigh-invulnerable, flying, spaceworthy, spaceship-destroying, auto-orgasm-inducing badass dodgeball cyborg is to walk up to the nearest pack of Eebs and just ask… then why aren’t there thousands of them?
“then why aren’t there thousands of them?”
Because most of them aren’t genetically compatible with chunks of Eeb brain….?
Unless I’ve forgotten a strip somewhere, Yuri’s cybernetic upgrades are entirely separate from her Eeb powers.
@zb, she got her Eeb powers after Dimitry and Emily went into the GOB ship to rescue her. At her request, in addition to building her the first set of cybernetic limbs, a piece of brain from an Eeb who died in the rescue attempt was implanted inside her.
@TB, that’s better than my homemade bread. When it goes stale, it just gives a fuzzy green glow. Emphasis on “fuzzy”.
@Muzhik, yes, I know. I’m saying that her ability to fly around and blast things with her Dodgeball of Doom has nothing to do with that… that we know of.
@zb, well, I think the initial limbs were simply Eeb and medi-bot added. But she helped build/developed the rest slowly with her own insanity and a team of eebs along with her own eeb partial-brain. The red ball actually simply magnifies her slightly clamped eeb partial brain. I think I mentioned that somewhere not just in my head. I hope.
I just finished reading The Passage and The Twelve. The plot can be a little contrived at times, but golly, he does some good stuff with character influenced narrative style.
@Angry-Buddha-88, funny you mention that. I just started listening to the audiobook of “The Passage” a couple of days ago. Why do you mention it?
Best punchline yet! Hehehe, I’m still laughing…..!
Hi Christopher,
Well, we’ve all heard about it rotating of having something coming from beyond it, but what is it? A planet? A neutron star?
@Christopher, Ah, so the red ball is a psi-amp. Thanks, that makes sense. I’m pretty sure it’s never been mentioned in-universe though. She just shows up with it in strip #204 (where it was noticeably smaller), and attributes her killing ability to being only slightly clamped.
@Christopher You mentioned it in the comic comments.
Gods, @seth! That’s peculiar. Also you can only serve that dish maximum twice.
I've almost caught up on Spacetrawler: http://t.co/ek1WAKQP – don't google what Seth says to in the comments. *shudder*