Originally I only had the b&w version posted, but I finished the color and that’s what you see now. BUT, for curious seekers, here’s the b&w version I had posted.
All is pretty well. Stressed a bit, but fine. Made lemon ginger chocolate cookies (made up the recipe, but is not good enough to post). Saw family and friends this weekend, and saw leaves turning and drank hot cider. Started rowing (on a rowing machine) for exercise since I don’t have a new racquetball partner yet since moving east.
Good time. Oh, and thank you to those who helped support Daniel and his new Kindle novel Exit Strategy.
Oooh. Hot, mulled cider. I’m actually jealous. Our leaves are just beginning to get near peak here, and it’s still too warm to properly enjoy a mug of hot, mulled cider (with or without rum or vodka added). I can’t enjoy the hot cider until the daily high temps are in the middle 40s or lower. Halloween here is the usual starting period.
PS: Don’t sweat the color. It’s good to see your draughtsmanship unadulterated once in a while. You’ve gotten so much better over the months.
Poor Dimitri, always getting stuck with taking over the galaxy. 🙁
At least he’ll have his getaway craft waiting for him.
What about those of May 6 and 9? Those are still uncolored.
Yup, just b&w tonight. Will have the color up by noon Wednesday EST. Apologies for the delay… http://t.co/zyJZGgRA
@Vincent_G, not forgotten. They will be done. This year unfortunately got busy and only got busier.
Now I want some lemon-ginger cookies; those sound great. How about you post the recipe and invite people to improve them? I’d play.
I just reviewed the strip, and this time looked closer at the artwork instead of just reading the bubbles. I’m glad to see that Choan has picked up on Martina’s style sense. Give Choan a beret and she would look dashing standing next to Martina as the GOB forces advance.
Also, I have to wonder what Dimitri has tucked away on the SS Nikoman that makes him want to have it back when Choan is done with it.
I think even I could be bored about taking over the G.O.B if I had the Lamborghini-equivalent of a spaceship, bank account full of money, sexy females of different alien species lying in my bed and friends who you could die for. Why bother with power if you can get anything already?
Yes the same teacookies that he’s likely now rich off of.