Hey Everyone. I had a great time at InterventionCon. Annnnd…. when this strip goes up, I’ll probably still be traveling on my way back home toodling along the road, so I am brief on the blog.
Hi! Thanks for all of you who got to come out. :)
Hey Everyone. I had a great time at InterventionCon. Annnnd…. when this strip goes up, I’ll probably still be traveling on my way back home toodling along the road, so I am brief on the blog.
Hi! Thanks for all of you who got to come out. :)
This is why you don’t take your dates home to meet your family on a first date. Wait until she’s accepted your insanity before you show her where you got it.
(Oh, and make sure you get your dog fixed. Those diTHERkers look a little too friendly, if you know what I mean.)
Word order in third panel is a bit odd. “… figure that out technology..” or “… figure out that technology..” ?
Yes, I noticed the word order thing in panel 3 as well. Also, in the same panel, the Mihrrgoot says “theoutside”; the space has been omitted.
what exactly would “seem sane and sensitive” to beings from a different universe? i wonder…
i mean, i sometimes trouble over the exact definition with people from different times/backgrounds/countries/offices…
Leave it to Emily to uphold the insensitive insanity standard
Will fix wording
@Frank, Dusty was busy.
Hey, the “starve ’em to death” trick is working! Those little red guys are kinda peaked to me.
Make that “looking kinda peaked.”
It use to be that there were no spaces between words so it was just a longinvolvedsentencethateveryoneread. Much better now, please don’t backslide!?
So the best way to fix the two problems is to let the bad guy destroy the psycho Eebs then destroy him right after.
Spacetrawler is consistent. Nearly every single strip consistently causes me to laugh aloud. That’s very high praise.
Wonder if she slowed down a little the red dogs would get themselves cooked in the exhaust flame?
i love this one. Emily zooming back and forth, the furryite ref, every bit of it!!
@ tudza: They survived an interstellar (I think; might have been interplanetary) trip on the outside of the ship. What’s a little exhaust?
To me it looks like dogs hunting a fox, now we only need space equivalent of british aristocrats riding by. OR a Benny Hill chase scene