09/16/12 Not Dead Yet


Yes: those near or accessible to the DC area, I will be tabling and paneling in Rockville MD (the D.C. area) September 21-23 as a guest at InterventionCon. Last year I was there and had a great time and really enjoyed it. It is geeky and friendly and has a really great guest list of people with time and space to meet each one.

Here’s the schedule of panels I’ll be on (the full InterventionCon schedule is here)

Friday 5pm: “Designing Your First Book”

Panelists: Chris Flick, Barb Fischer, Christoper Baldwin, Chris Impink

Friday 7pm: “How to Survive as a Writer in the Business of Webcomics, Comics and Other Visual Media”
Panelists: Tony DiGerolamo, H. Caldwell Tanner, Christopher Baldwin

Saturday 3pm: “Back in my day: The webcomic veterans panel”
Panelists: Christopher Baldwin, Shaenon Garrity, Jennie Breeden, Danielle Corsetto


  1. Muzhik

    Ha! Mihrrgoots are the Preppers of the Galaxy! I love it! It’s why they stock not only headache pills but suicide pills in their bathroom mirror cabinets, next to the Q-tips, the almost-empty jar of petroleum jelly, and the “flesh-colored” bandaids.

  2. Muzhik

    @Sardtok, it took me a few minutes to work out what you meant, and then I realized how right you are! Gentlemen, … er … Gentlecreatures, we have solved the problem of what to use instead of eebs to power spacetrawlers!

  3. Night-Gaunt

    Detherkers, are they natural or artificial? I’d say artificial unless they come from a very violent and dangerous ecosystem that their abilities would keep them alive. Mihrrgoots are truly alien and have a wicked sense of humor.

  4. TB

    She drives a few hours (gaining a mile each hour), then circles back around to the ship. Take off, and there ya go. They’ll follow the scent around the circle instead of being smart enough to try and cut her off.

  5. TB

    Wait a minute. If they starve in a few Draak-Sim Rotations (however long that is), why didn’t they just stay in space that long until they croaked on the hull?

    Well, that just now occurred to me. Maybe it just now occurred to them.

  6. Seth

    @TB: While that would normally be a sound solution, in this case, it overlooks the minor issue of PSYCHOTIC UNCLAMPED EEBS BENT ON THE IMMEDIATE DESTRUCTION OF ALL OTHER INTELLIGENT BEINGS IN THE GALAXY.

  7. Muzhik

    @TB, according to this strip, a Draak-Sim rotation is about 2 Earth days. As for killing the diTHERkers, in the absence of, say, a bowl of boiling metal (like in “Terminator 2”), you could start up a fire (a very HOT fire — look online for “rocket stove”) and set up an assembly line: Emily shoots them where the brain case should be, stunning them; Gurf uses a lazerblade to hack them into chunks, and Pierrot throws them into the fire to cook. (It’s a new Fair Food: DiTHERker on a stick! Served with a side of deep-fried butter.)

    Then again, if they could locate Yuri, she can use her right (hand? ball?) to simply melt them.

    (But that wouldn’t be anything like the melting-in-your-mouth goodness you’d get by slow-roasting them with a dry rub and a tangy dipping sauce on the side. Guess you can’t guess that it’s almost dinner time here.)

  8. Bigbenhoward

    Ah, I spent a bunch of money to be able to go to intervention, and then my cousin had to go and get married on those dates after getting back from Afghanistan. Thanks a lot!

    Functional parachutes are not conductive to good humor.

  9. Neil

    @Frank, I think they must be spawned with a total volume equal to the ‘parent’. Well, that’s unless there’s some violation of mass/energy conservation going on that we haven’t been told about…

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