Nothing new since Monday. Trying to find a King Arthur version i like, think for now I’m going with Malory. Cornwell second choice. Then maybe Steinbeck. Zimmer Bradley is always classic, but White left me feeling like I was too old to enjoy it. Oh, and I might give Sutcliff a try, although “Sword At Sunset” doesn’t seem to be on audiobook.
Again (ahem) I will be up at Plattsburgh, NY this weekend for the big 1812 Bicentennial Celebration, September 8th and 9th, tabling with with Mike Peterson and with booklets and talking to re-enactors and educators. I’ll have some Spacetrawler and Dee there if you want to stop by, although I might not have them on display. The booklets we’re focusing on are illustrated serial stories written by Mike Peterson and illustrated by myself. If interested in buying or peeping at them online, they are available as zines.
And I will ALSO be tabling and paneling in the D.C. area September 21-13 as a guest at InterventionCon. Last year I was there and had a great time and really enjoyed it. It is geeky and friendly and has a really great guest list of people with time and space to meet each one.
Just in case we weren’t sure about her mental state…
D’aww. (No apologies.)
And now we see a demonstration of a key skill for any king – coming to the right understanding.
Sutcliffe did two different treatments of the Arthurian Legends. In the Lantern Bearers and Sword at Sunset she reinterprets them to find the “real Arthur”, the Roman auxillary attempting to keep the guttering flame of civilization alive. In the Sword and the Circle trilogy she tells the classic tales with all the high romance and flourishes we might expect. I love the Sword at Sunset more, it is an epic tragedy with the ring of historical truth, but YMMV.
I ~lurve Sutcliff! Both versions. She studied the histories to find all traces of an Arthur in Britain. In fact, she was (still is, post mortem?) part of an historical society there.
May I suggest Barr and Bolland? </smartass>
I pronounce Yuri cured of her earlier insanity.
No, really.
I think she’s finally come to terms with the Eeb part of her brain and she’s no longer really powertripping anymore–well, not much. I mean come on, when your left hand is a glowing ball of mass death, sometimes you gotta show off a little.
I recall reading Stephen Lawhead’s Pendragon Cycle books when I was a youth. I don’t actually remember the books (I read so much of the genre so long ago that it all blends together), but I do know they were Arthurian.
In panel 5 where Yuri says “…since Dusty volunteered to wear a tracer and join up with the psycho eebs and so we know where they are..” I think would read better without the phrase “and so.” Like this: “…since Dusty volunteered to wear a tracer and join up with the psycho eebs, we know where they are..”
Thanks for Spacetrawler.
Pyromania is more of an instinct than a mental disease in humans. We spent millenia with our family lives centered around a hearth.
It must be recalled that people rarely speak as they would write. Incomplete sentences, odd constructions and even dangling participals. Please remember that.
My favorite Yuri. Still a little power mad, humans tend to be when they have great power, but she is better now. Depending on your definitions of course. Now why would the Eebs not check for tracers? If they really are geniuses they would set up a trap using that very signal. I know I would.
my favorite space opera http://t.co/3umpZ39C @chris__baldwin
Didn’t the psycho eebs just send Dusty off on his own, away from their ship, for not being on board with the planet-torching?
@Nomi, nope! They merely started hurting him and/or his clones.
Peter David’s “Knight Life” was alright.
There’s the old Hal Foster Prince Valiant comics.
And Mark Twain’s “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” is still the definitive deconstruction, even though Twain totally ripped off Army Of Darkness. Totally.
Psycho eebs, indeed. “Look! I put him together wrong” (Yep, still giggling, weeks later. Hee hee hee…!)
Malory’s for sure the version to go with.
I also quite enjoyed Steinbeck’s partial retelling.
My nickname for Yuri is now “Princess Azula”.
Okay not really.
(and I hope the seat cushions on that ship aren’t the kind that emit toxic fumes when set on fire)
@zb, that depends: are you limiting your definition of “toxic” to “stuff that is toxic only to humans”, or would it be “stuff that is toxic only to humans but will give other species a happy-happy-joy-joy feeling”?
…Well, to be fair, a lot of the stuff that gives humans happly-happy-joy-joy feeling is also toxic to humans, so there’s no reason it can’t be both for aliens too.
Try Lawhead’s trilogy: Taliesin, Merlin, Arthur. He ties together a lot of fun backstory and myths. It’s a fun read, too.