We missed you, Yuri.
Good lord, not a single thing has happened since I posted my last strip. I don’t think I’ve read any particularly interesting blogs or links either. The toothpick thing was neat. Listening to “The Hunger Games” on audiobook, I made a pie, sat in the yard with the cat, pondered rewriting the Arthurian legends, walked to the library. That kind of thing.
Dear Chris and Tom: I’m having a war in my head over who had the best strip tonight. Hmmm. So glad to see Yuri, but I had a good belly laugh over at SS Myrna. Brilliant! Awful! Hilarious!
But… but… what is pocky?!
Pocky I get. Kinda.
Why did Yuri break the remote for the television?
That’s going to cause problems among the crew after the next meal.
@Jo: It’s a Japanese candy product. Imagine breadsticks about the diameter of chopsticks, made of cookie and half dipped in chocolate. Outside of Japan they’ve become popular among the… I wanna say “weebo”, but I guess “Japanophile” is maybe the more PC term… subculture due to them being seen in manga and anime.
I’m somewhat relieved to see Yuri smile in the last panel – but I have no idea who or how she is going to be within the Spacetrawler Universe. She scares me. More than the unclamped Eeb army. It’s her humanity that was important and now its really thin on the ground for all the augmentation, scarring and mental alteration she has done to herself. Anticipating much I cannot anticipate in this regard. I am completely out of anticipatiory capabilities.
Opps? On the 14th panel (nest to last) Yuri is holding Nogg with her left hand, which does not have a hard, it is a red ball thingy…
Unless it is supposed to be capable of opening or something?
@Vincent_G, Doh! I made the same mistake in panel 13, but noticed and fixed it. Okay, today I’ll try to find time to fix panel 14 as well.
When the heck did SHE wake up? And who let her out?
@James_Austin, Nothing really dramatic, but that will addressed in the next strip.
On a different subject, I thoguht you’d be interested to know someone actually implemented a barbot – and called it the inebriator.
see http://hackaday.com/2012/08/28/inebriator-servers-up-all-the-cocktails/
@Vincent_G, fixed!
@DeuxVis, Nice! Although, what the heck drink did it just mix. Eek. :-/
According to the video description it’s called a Voodoo. Coconut rum, coffee liquer and milk.
I just love Yuri, just sorry she is such a psychopathic killer aka terminator now. And does she miss her writing and drawing hand? How much of her is left I wonder? I guess no handy places to take Yuri to have her brain rewired to her old self.
Would she even be able to eat it, at this point?
@KarlMonster it’s the controller to turn Yuri off. She got it off Nogg somehow. Or, more likely, someone stole it for her and turned her back on. I’m trying to remember who all is on that ship at this point to figure out whodunnit. Maybe bar bot/therapy bot thought it could patch her up some more?
I feel sad for the loss of cutie pie geek Yuri. But even if she get’s better, she’ll never be the same.
Alas, poor Yuri, we knew her well….
It will not load for me, I get about a third of the comic and the rest stays resolute blank.
You don’t get to be keep your place as king of the scumbags without learning what’s the right way to talk to the right people
Oh, and Karyl, try right click > save image as
I had that problem a few months back and worked around it that way
@Prairie, no, both Therapy-bot and Bar-Bot are back on the IA Starbanger, now under psycho-eeb control. This is one of the Dark Greased Light ships that the Mihrrgoot king used to rescue the gang.
My guess is that it was Red-9. She has more than a little of the Trickster in her. She’d want to turn Yuri back on just to see what awesome thing would happen.
I… freaken… LOVE pocky! It is delicious! I found some at a local store… my wallet was empty and I had a bag full of those delicacies when I walked out. And now I’m hungry…
I agree with Prairie. I miss innocent, techo-wizard Yuri. Now all I hear when I see her is DUUUUN DUUUUN DUUUUN DUUUN-DA DUUUUN DUUUN-DA DUUUUN.
Is Yuri’s red ball thing one of those pneumatic beanbag hands?
Chris, I gotta say your humor, and just the subtle little ways you slip that humor into this comic, has me literally giggling, and I’m a 40+ year old man not some pre-teen, pimply-faced… giggler. Just the simple “HEY”s in the last two panels has me cracking up. I’ve come back to this comic three times now and laughed each time. Well done, and thank you for such an awesome comic.