Well, I made it cross-country. I am now once again a resident of the northeastern US. The house is a mess with boxes still everywhere, and I am terribly behind on work so bear with me on everything.
But the strip is done, is up, and so i feel i am back on track after about a month of insanity.
I have no links, I haven’t been reading news or blogs or anything for the past couple weeks. In fact, right now I’m sitting in a car outside the local public library (the internet people come tomorrow to “flip the switch”). And if I’ve been quiet on the boards here, know that I’ve been reading and enjoying all your comments, I just haven’t had much time or computer access to contribute.
No one ever said the Eebs make very good plans.
Well, THAT’S a plot twist!
i’m sure i could find this out with a rather light amount of searching but today i’m dustin-lazy so whereabouts in the northeast? MA, CT, NY, RI, VT, NH, or ME? MA would be awesome especially if you live near that jeph jacques fellow in western MA.
The universe is now officially doomed
And Dustin saves the universe. Your IQ drops a point for every minute you listen to him speak, and now the Eebs are foolishly going to make more of him! The Eebs will be gibbering idiots… actually, that might make the Universe a bit less safe, but maybe they would just blow themselves up for a joke or something.
I’m an Australian, and the effect is doubled. My IQ is declining exponentially fasterer with everi spoked wisdom of dustin and blurb der … berble furf gumble berbb
Oh God.
I’m certain that there are worse ideas, but none come to mind.
This Cannot End Well.
Actually, there is one benefit: Whenever one Dustin speaks, you can shoot TWO of him…
Definately a common ancestor there somewhere!
Possibly Larry, Moe, or Curly Joe…
Shit just got real!
This page is not as thrilling as other ST comic pages I regard having some cool development, but it just has some unique things like setting up a new record of comic relief Dusty can give.
“Oh the chaos and power if I could have a bunch of mes… all marching to my own fate”
Chaos, indeed.
Considering that the Eebs barely have faces at all, I’m not sure exactly what the problem with keeping a straight face would be.
When embarking upon a killing spree, one should always start off by killing oneself FIRST. If that ends the killing spree right there, well, that just proves it wasn’t meant to be…
Wow, he came up with the exact opposite of what Dmitri did. He’s the anti-Dmitri.
Won’t that much stupidity in one place break physical laws or initiate a phase change in the fabric or spacetime or something? Will future generations of life that evolves after this catastropher, refer to their era as the the “Post Dustin Epoch?”
Considering that Dustin IS a clone, an identical twin, and assuming that since his brother is the stuff that heros are made of, this may not go the way anyone is planning.
Happy to hear you made it to the new place! I hope things didn’t get *too* insane
Have fun settling in!
He’s the anti-Dmitri.
That may be the best summation of Dustin’s character I’ve ever seen.
The horror.
“The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.” – Harlan Ellison
Hydrogen is about to be outnumbered.
@ZackHoffman: Pretty sure Chris mentioned NY, but don’t know where. Hopefully not NYC. Upstate is *so* much roomier and prettier. (Except Syracuse. Too gray.)
@Jonesy: “Just imagine… An army of ME.” Somehow, I visualize them all trying to simultaneously dive behind the same rock when the shooting starts.
@Qalypso: The Stooges are a good stab at Dustin’s potential for mayhem, but that doesn’t quite hit the mark. They still have far more heart. Dustin’s got the compassion of a Neidermeyer.
@Grizzly: Dustin may be a genetic twin, but he’s clearly quite different than his brother Bill. There’s probably already something wrong with his DNA, and I strongly suspect that cloning will only make things worse. Heh.
Ahh, Bjork. And I realise that it’s Dustin talking, but in the fifth panel, isn’t there a “be” too many in “to be even be”?
That’s the secret of the Universe. Bored Eebs.
“That’s the secret of the Universe. Bored Eebs.”
Most of us might be very disturbed if we ever learned how much of what is interesting and terrible in the universe is the result of godlike beings who were dying of boredom. Maybe this includes us.
The good thing is that you can’t clone personality. His clones won’t be like him unless they have the exact same upbringing. So unless the Eebs are very exacting cloners their clones will have some variations. (They will have to make sure that all genes activated and deactivated in exactly the same way as the ones for Dustin did.) Why would you want more of him anyway? Unless the Eebs find his behavior very funny that is.
Well this has gone horribly right… D:
Hopefully about half of the clones turn out like Dustin’s brother.
In spite of all , Dustin has devised a much more workable plan than Dimitri did.
@zack_hoffman, Rural NY, southern part of the Adirondacks. And as much as Jeph is a delightful person, and QC is great, was there a particular reason for desiring me to live in proximity of him?
@Plane, Dustin has a plan?
Would be hilarious if the clones turn out to be nothing like the original
@Plane, Dustin has a plan?
@Christopher , it is a plan to bite off more than he can chew, like Napolion’s march on Moscow without going through all the successfull campaigns first. It is destined to ignominy even if it works.
I like it better than Dimitris plan to disarm the downtrodden.
I’m sure the preceding revelation that humans can be spliced with Eeb telekinetic powers has no relevance whatsoever to this turn of events.
None whatsoever.
Truly, this comic is evidence of a creative mind.
Or possibly a really great argument against solipsism.
@ZB: Oh god. Lets hope they don’t figure that out.
uhh… he lives ~2 towns north of me, and that would significantly increase my chances of shaking your hand. I don’t make it to many (any so far) webcomic conventions, because I am alone in my love of webcomics among my group of friends and relatives, that and scheduling conflicts. I do plan on going to the next Topataco tag sale thing in Easthampton, MA.
@Chris– One bit of advice from my frequent-mover days (growing up in a military family, then my own); unpack all the boxes, put it away wherever, sort it out later as needed. If it’s still in the boxes, you don’t have it. If you can’t find it, you don’t have it, but it’s more likely you’ll find it in a drawer or cupboard, and recall where it was.
@ZB: Chekhov’s gun? Or maybe we should rename it Dimitri’s gun?
Clones Kill the original in 3…2…
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