Yes, indeedy. I will be tabling at Stumptown (table C-12) alongside Kevin Moore. And yes, I will have Spacetrawler book #2, and yes i will have the larger reprinted Little Dee 8.5×11 two volume set. And hopefully they will look awesome (for I have not yet seen them, they arrive (cross your fingers) Wednesday, at which point I begin mailing them).
But there’s more!
I have a piece hanging in the newly-opened show “What, Me Worry? 60 Years of MAD” at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco through September 16th!
Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, Skinhorse has a kickstarter going on for volume #3 (go, Shaenon!).
AND my good friend Teabutterfly has an Etsy shop. It’s really sweet. If you like bugs.
I think it is only fitting that Dimitri’s ride is a giant drill.
Dimitri’s drill is the drill that will pierce the Heavens!
…PARTLY responsible??
Yay Stumptown! I’ll be sure to stop by and say hi.
@P._von_S., ha! Oh goodness. Yes.
@Jordan, yay! See you there!
Little Dee in 8.5×11! Tell me more. Are the prints larger or did the 4 volumes get squished into 2? I hope it’s the former. I was always a bit disappointed, but understanding, about the small strip size in my Little Dee collection.
@MercuryFlash, They are SLIGHTLY larger and 4 per page rather than three (and a little over 200 pages per book rather than 130). They were 6″ long, now they are about 7″. 🙂
There’s the Dimitri I know and love!!
@Aejaxe: “There’s the Dimitri I know and love!!”
And he’ll love you back. And he’ll love you front. And he’ll love you many other directions.
Red-9, is that a slight crisis of conscience I see there? (Also, it’s Joe! Hi Joe, I also read your comic!)
I think this is one of the better Dimitri strips, which is saying a lot, but it is. I’d also love to see what the implications of a busted nut actually is … or are …
How many “alien princesses” has Dimitri picked up now? Four? He’s definitely the Captain Kirk of the bunch.
Okay, if that area with the speaker-thing is the Fahldwian’s mouth, I presume her startlingly phallic upper body is her approximation of a head which contains her approximation of eyes.
Yeah, I’ll just let somebody else fill in the blanks on that one…
>>>…PARTLY responsible??
Well, you know, nothing can ever REALLY happen unless the universe implicitly allows it…
Besides, Red-9 didn’t expect the uber-Eebs to proceed as they did. She was confident that she could guide them, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
It occurs to me that, since (unless I misunderstood) all Eebs are created in laboratories via DNA samples, they probably don’t know much about sex. Keep that approxiscan ready, Dimitri…
Actually, they’ve just got themselves hold of an unclamped Eeb. Build a spaceship, put him in charge, and you’ve got something just as good as a spacetrawler!
Wait a second *rereads step two* uh, nevermind.
PS: Fahldwians look like an awesome race
Congratulations on the Mad strip displayed at the museum! That is wonderful! And a good portfolio builder. And well deserved. \o/
wow…Dimitri…how is it that he’s so clever and yet he always seems to be thinking with his crotch…