It was a nice week, although difficult to keep up on work. My sister (and her dog) just moved from Alaska to California, and stopped overnight on her way through. We were delighted (perhaps our cats less-so). I painted a little. Worked on some freelance stuff. Drew a couple pieces for an art show. We even went to a birthday party. Never a dull moment.
Sad to hear the Russian Mars probe went offline. That’s totally gotta’ suck. But don’t worry, just watch this and enjoy a relaxing bliss instead…
Wow, we’re getting closer to discovering just how spacetrawlers are made. I knew we wouldn’t get the whole story all at once, but I wasn’t expecting to even scratch on it until December at least.
@Kathleenm, I’m glad it’s meta and not beta, that’d be too fishy.
Being able to watch the aurora from the ISS must be the most incredible view ever.
“Sad to hear the Russian Mars probe went offline. ” – Was a green mist anyhow involved ? 🙂 (Too much Jeff Wayne recently…)
The interior architecture reminds me of the outside of a spacetrawler.
That last panel is one of the funniest things I’ve seen all year. *salutes*
i keep forgetting that this is all a retelling of events that past, and every time you bring it back to present day my mind gets blown….
See!!!!?? I KNEW it!! 😉
I love that last panel too!
Ah, grumpy old audience surrogate. Whatever would we do without you?
No, no don’t change scenes just yet!
You just had to say it, Mr. Zorilla, didn’t you?
Hmmm…. So there are at least several Eebs that are not brain clamped present, and they are pretty likely even angryer than Red 9.
If they get out of their containment , they will ………. Burrrrrrr ….
chilling the thought
Thanks for that NASA Youtube, I enjoyed it, I think I will reshare it.
http://t.co/AsCkL5qd – Like sci-fi comics? you should be reading this. Today you really need to check the vid linked in the blog.
“We’re lampshading now, aren’t we?”
“OK, stop it. This is getting weird.”