Just so’s you know, I did a guest strip for R*K*Milholland’s awesome “Something Positive,” it was so much fun playing with his characters. So, check that out.
And congratulations to Pete Abrams of “Sluggy Freelance” for wrapping up a 10 year story arc. F*%cking hell. I met Peter at San Diego Comic Con back in 2001 or so, which was a real pleasure. And then I saw him again a couple years ago at Emerald City Comic Con… and when I did, realized I had fallen out of habit of reading Sluggy (as happens), and so I started back up. It was a little hard to follow, as the story was sprinting to the finish line, but I… um… slugged my way through it. And it was fun, and REALLY impressive, but I’m also looking forward to starting new with the next story! Sweet!
Take 17, they finally got it right!
Way to go team!
Is that a boat, with jet wings and all-terrain wheels?
@Metaphizzle, YES! The Purfin M-32 is full of AWESOME!
Reminds me of the buggy in that 80s video game “Moon Patrol”
The planet seems to have regular gravity… how strong is Pierrot?
Pierrot is average strength. If you mean about the “hole” scene, the rope is attached to Nogg, Pierrot is just there to stabilize. Not enough panels or interest to do it in any more detail. (I adjusted the rope to make it clearer)
wait a minute! maybe someone’s brought this up, but if our narrator is telling the story, how could he relate the part that was mind wiped? how would he know about it????
funny nevertheless, but it smells like a plot hole to me.
@The_Good_Doctor, there will be some fudging, but it is all planned. Not a plot hole. It’ll just take some time to reveal.
That would appear to be the manliest vehicle in all of creation.
The De-neuralizer!
I have GOT to get me one of those Purfin M-32s!
In candy apple red with gold metal flake, of course.
Candy apple red & gold metal flake? But of course! Has to have the solid rocket booster option though or I’m going to have to pass…
@Christopher It wasn’t that, I hadn’t noticed it was Krep carrying all of them in panel 10.
My first thought upon seeing this was: “Nooooo he hasn’t updated yet! … oh, hang on.”
It somehow made the last panel even funnier.
fyi, panel 3 of the “Something Positive” strip has a misspelling: “Prolems”
aaaand, great action in yours. I suspect they’ve done this about 15 times by now. Nogg isn’t unconscious, he’s just exhausted from all the repetition!
Love, love, love the detail on the Purfin M-32’s undercarriage!
@War_Pig, my first thought was candy-apple red, but I didn’t think it looks good in front of the orang-red-brown sky.
@Filipe, ah! No, Pierrot is simply helping balance the unconscious Nogg. Hrm. Might fiddle with it.
Also in love with the Purfin M-32! Judging by the number of other comments on it, I think you’ve tapped into a collective consciousness trope: rocket + speed boat + off-roader = YEEEAH!
It’s deja vu all over again!
It’s deja vu all over again!
(see what I did there?)
“how could he relate the part that was mind wiped?”
If you start worrying about all the parts of the story Nogg shouldn’t possibly have been able to know, you’ll get a headache. Just enjoy! This is great and I can’t wait for the second collection.
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Krep Shirt! Krep Shirt! want, want, want!
Seriously, though all the set up for this comic makes it so hilarious when Krep starts kicking the control panel. Brilliant!
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If you aren't reading Spacetrawler, well…why aren't you yet? 07/11/11 Most Awesome Escape http://t.co/Kg5GleU
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@The Good Doctor: If Pierrot’s deja vu is because the mind-wipe was faulty, then he might be the one to relate the story to Nogg.
rocket + boat + dune buggy == made of awesome.