Taxes, a short hike, a late night, the cat’s destroying the first version of today’s strip (fortunately only lettered), and the full colors posted a half hour late. All-in-all, I don’t think I did so bad today.
No con report done though. So, in the meantime, buy a t-shirt!
Imagine that- Krep and I share a similar defense mechanism!
Someone desperately needs a Limbic Flizzler …
“Flizzler”? You’ve had enough already!
“Pïerrot, I’ve come to save you!”
“What, no, I’m here to save you!”
“Hey, I was saving him first!”
Also, that ring left behind is going to reappear later; I just know it
Wait a second, “House arrest”? Under what charges?
Or is Khuu Drahc also not the kind to tell you what he arrests you for?
I want a slow zoom in on Pierrot’s face on panel 8. I want to see that face on a poster that says Pierrot “Vegetarian Bad ass of the spaceways”…or something to that effect.
@Frank, the ring… the ring…. watch this space.
Oh, and house arrest, basically until they can send him home (as he states). If a country is going to deport an illegal alien, they generally don’t let them roam in the meantime (that I’m aware of).
@McGee, I would think an excellent sticker idea actually, hmmmm…..
loved this
Gasp! It’s pottybot! It takes a bucking but keeps on sucking I suppose.
We’ve all had days like this.
@Mike…. Um, ow. Lol!
I was just saying to someone the other day, it’s frustrating not getting comments on your blog because you have no idea whether anyone is even reading it. And =ZAP= it hit me that I really ought to drop some kind of comment on my favourite web comic. No-one has ever sci-fi so human, great work Chris.
There should be a “made” between “ever” and “sci-fi” of course.
@Frank, it just means they’ll have to send someone back to get it. Probably more than one, maybe a bunch of fellows. Since the ring was made for Pierrot, he’ll have to go along to carry it, but we’ll have to have someone else to lead this hunt, this quest for the ring…
Wait … has this been done already?
Hi Chris! I’m a long time follower who was introduced to the strip by IO9. But this is my first time to comment.
I love Pierrot! He’s sort of like a vegetarian version of Arthur Dent. I just love his expressions. That look he had just before he pummeled Dustin in Monday’s strip was a beaut! The arched eyebrow presaged the space freighters full of butt kicking and rage he had waiting to unleash on that poor selfish idiot, Dusty.
I’m buying the book!
Poor Pierrot. And poor Emily, tossed aside like that.
Although I suppose I should feel the most sympathy for Krep. Ah well, massive doses of happy medicine for everybody!
Thanks, @Matt!
@JK, who will play Gollum? The potty-bot?
@Corpore_Metal, yeah… Pierrot is a pleasure to write. I love the humor, I love the action, I love dragging the charcaters through the mud, but I also love writing the sensitive and thoughtful side of people. In a scene like this I get to write them all and have laugh too.
@Stewart. Yeah… I can’t say Emily didn’t have that coming, but I do sympathize with her.
Oh man! Too much funny and awesome stuff on a single page! Pierrot’s character development (love how frustrated he’s on this page) made him my second favorite character, number one being – of course – Dimitri
I would totally buy a pottybot t-shirt that reads “It take a bucking but it keeps on sucking.”
@Christopher, yes, but only if Red-9 plays Gandalf!
Gurf, of course, will play Aragorn.
@JK, Gurf would make an AWESOME Aragorn.
i don’t know what to say, except that everything about today’s strip is full of awesome.