Yup, it’s true. Spacetrawler book 1 is NOW AVAILABLE. Along with “Limbic-Fizzler” Tee and “This-Coffee-Tastes-Like-Asteroid” mug. This is my main source of income, PLUS THE BOOK IS AWESOME, so please show your support and GET YOURSELF A BOOK!
Yup, it’s true. Spacetrawler book 1 is NOW AVAILABLE. Along with “Limbic-Fizzler” Tee and “This-Coffee-Tastes-Like-Asteroid” mug. This is my main source of income, PLUS THE BOOK IS AWESOME, so please show your support and GET YOURSELF A BOOK!
OMG! Is this foreshadowing? Dustin couldn’t actually pull that off, could he?
I don’t think Dustin could pull a paper bag off his head.
Also, wouldn’t a taxi ride to a dark planet be hella expensive? I guess IA got the Eebs to make a money-creation machine. Or an excellent Ponzi scheme.
Somebody please shoot Dustin in the face.
Haha. Sydney isn’t even the captal of Australia.
Dustin: finding new and exciting ways to be an absolute dick
Nooo, Dimitri
loOOoove the new design, border, nifty nifts and appearance of spacy sides.
I’ll click on banners and maybe even buy some junk I don’t need the borders look so cool!
What? Dimitri’s leaving? :¨( Who’s gonna fill in the role of a douchy playboy now?
Congratulations for the first book. Gotta buy one.
Today's Spacetrawler — Pee on Dusty time! https://www.baldwinpage.com/spacetrawler/2011/02/08/spacetrawler-118/
I’m thinking we haven’t seen the last of Dmitri. And yes, Dustin does need to be killed. Multiple times. And yay, a book! I’m going to order mine now!
Awww Dmitri! Stay! And, on another note – YAY THE BOOK IS OUT!
aaaaaand I bought my copy! Sweet!
Ordered the book! Thanks, Christopher.
This is the funniest comic ever
Awww… Dimitri, why?! *Starts singing “There Goes My Hero”*
No surprises here.
My heart is shattered! What will I do without my weekly dose of Dmitri? Please don’t go, Dmitri!!
I love that you all love Dimitri so much!
He can’t, Mr. Zorilla didn’t know aliens exist so the eebs never get there.
Aw, I love DImitri. Lose coyote woman instead!
@Paul: But we need her! Not only is she awesome at kicking asses (and heads), but someone needs to think about Pierrot (yes, calling him up to make you laugh counts as thinking about him)
Martina is truly a great leader. Always knowing what to say (and when to say nothing and let a crewmember be beat-up)
As for the book, are all the characters they breaking through the seat of a pair of pants? (Sorry, first thing that came to mind when I read “The human seat”)
@Frank, they can be as much pants as you want them to be.
@harmsc12 – It would be my pleasure to shoot Dustin in the face…multiple times.
I lost a comment
I hope this doesn’t appear twice, like a n00b)
Dimitri reminds me of myself, when I was older.
@Christopher: any chance of you getting out to the annual comic book festival here in Angoulême? biggest in Europe…. free lodging chez moi…. and then you can sign the book I just bought!
@Frank I guess you’re right! I just want the lolz Dimitri brings. He’s my kind of guy haha
@Stewart, I’d LOVE to, but we’ll have to see if such a thing is in the cards for next January. The flight plus shipping books there might be a bit cost prohibitive.
Geez, Dustin! You didn’t get any promises because ypu refused to join, remember? “The short answer is no, and the long answer is still no.” (Seems to me Krep missed a golden opportunity for an ironic echo there. Even Kronk understands those, so it wouldn’t be wasted on Dustin. Maybe.)
I see Dustin in a … padded room in the near future on Earth – Ahem – Dustinia.
@CrispFlows, Nah. No padded room for Dustin. He’s Australian, remember? He’ll just wind up in some bar in the Outback, getting people to buy him drinks in exchange for stories about how he almost brought peace and galactic technology to the Earth, and forming part of the local “color”.
Besides, given the choice between Sydney and Canberra as the capitol of Dustinia, it would be Sydney hands down. Canberrra has too many politicians.
Two of the best heroic poses so far: Emily, panel 5, Martina, panel 7.
@Daniel, Whoot! Go, heroes!
How are you about folks making guesses at what might go on, Mr. Baldwin? Not questions about what’s going to happen, but saying something like, “I’d lay money on doing before too long!”
I know some online graphic artists hate such things, since if the guess is exactly what’s planned, they feel they should change what’s going to happen, and if the guess has a better reception than what’s planned, they get self-critical about their own plans.
@YoungWilliam, I’m fine with it. Sometimes suggestions are spot on, sometimes definitely not, sometimes they do influence me, and sometimes all three. But it’s all a process and all enjoyable, even when I feel awkward.
Whew! As I mentioned, I’ve been witness to some artists all but flipping out over it, so I thought it best to check before tossing out any, “Wouldn’t it be neat if Dimitri did…” or “I wonder if this is what Emily was hinting at, back in strip number 56?”, or suchlike comments.
PS: That bit in the previous comment was supposed to be “I’d lay money on (person) doing (thing) before too long!”, but since I used the same brackets that HTML uses, it seems to have dropped words.
If I was there I’d like to get in on the pee fest. Dustin is among the worst of us. An embarrassment to us all as a species.
Going with the usual significance of territory marking via urine who would Want him?
I hope the first thing Pierrot does when he gets to speak is switch the name of Earth back to Earth, and not Dustinia
Ah, Dustin. Not all of Australians and Sydney siders are like him.