In the last panel, Martina is, of course, referring to her actions in this strip from a month ago.
Oh, and make sure you get your orders in to Topatoco for items you’re buying for gifts, their shipping cutoffs are approaching quickly.
I had a good sci-fi week. I watched both Gattaca and Dark City. Gattaca had some good sci-fi, although I wish it had more exposition, such as Uma Thurman’s character’s obsessiveness with self criticism and how that ties it in to our modern lives (which they kinda summed up in one line). Dark City was slightly cheezy, but a fun sci-fi premise (although it is an old one: Socrates allegory of the cave), and all the confused loose ends tied up pretty well. I think I preferred Dark City‘s tone (personal preference, not based on quality necessarily), and William Hurt’s final shot, him looking back and what he’s looking at, was worth the whole film.
All in all, things are fine. Working on pre-press for Spacetrawler book one (if you know an agent or publisher, please, pimp me). I also made penuche fudge this week, which I blogged about over at Cookrookery. Cheers!
Who gave Dustin an armed laser?
Oh yes Martina. Please show him your identification. Go on. We’re all waiting.
(Holy hell, it’s been a month since that strip? Time flies…)
@Meirnon, someone who was leaving on a very fast ship perhaps?
@Kiteway, I know! I was amazed when I realized it was a month ago, because it also JUST HAPPENED.
@meirnon, it’s not armed, it just shoots bubbles! The GOB likely thought no one would get that far, and if they did, they’d just laugh thier asses off later at how Dustin expected it to be real!
@Christopher, penuche, eh? Is that anything like…
[dramatic chord]
… Butterscotch Pudding?
Forgot to include this:
08/02/10 Methods of Torture
I love how Martina still worries about Dustin when he’s pressing a death ray against her windpipe (panel 7 if you haven’t noticed). Be “reasonable”, Martina, give it to him!
Also, Dustin’s really not paying attention. The STLDBJL is obviously what Interplanet Amity is (or at least the impression Nogg has given that it is)
@Justine: If that’s true, Martina could be in trouble
Oh, your username is “just me”, not “justine”. I guess I’ve been reading too many poorly-scanned documents lately.
@ Frank your Avatar facepalmed. ok that’s super cute.
@Christopher looking spiffy with the mustache
@Chris/Justme: I don’t know. If the GOB knows how incompetent Dustin is, yet need him to keep Earth’s diplomacy under their control, a laser doesn’t seem like a wise decision. Because some people (humans) like shooting themselves in the face (Dmitri).
Maybe it’s bubbles.
hehe I think dustin is in for a real suprise…altho in his case that in it’s self may not be suprising…err…nm.
arf what happened to my avatar?
Hey Chris, you’re lookin’ rather like the Dread Pirate Roberts these days. Well, you know, if he made fudge…wearing a plaid bathrobe…
Maybe you should take up fencing. ?
@ColtECoyote, you entered your email different on the first one, so it didn’t yank it from gravatar (I fixed it for ya).
@Kat, as… yoouuu…. wiiiissssshhhhhhhh…………
@McGee: Thank you. It’s things like this that make it all worthwhile
And until now, I never noticed the changing gravatar. Woo!
Overthrow the governemnt! Eat GOBstoppers!