Jon Rosenberg’s been up to no good lately. From the evil of his mind has sprung a new comic, check out Scenes From A Multiverse.
Thank yous going out for two lovely write ups, first by Tom Dell’aringa (of previously mentioned strip, Marooned) and second by Christine, which was totally awesome.
Also… So, I’ve had the original artwork up for sale, and I’ve even dropped the price (currently $120 plus s&h), but they’ve not been selling. In an effort to change this, I have a little poll for you. I also welcome comments regarding it.
**EDIT** I closed the poll and will ponder the results. Thank you all for your input! **EDIT**
[poll id=”2″]
And just so’s you know, I’m working on a site redesign. Including a “New Readers” page, a functional “Characters” page, banners, plus a general makeover of a few things. If you have additional suggestions in this arena (or have any after I manage to make the changes, hopefully this week), I welcome those too.
Lastly, apologies to all who are subscribed to the Spacetrawler email notifiation. I didn’t realizes the settings were arranged to email everyone whenever I posted a page (not just a post). You were sent one regarding a character page re-design, which was under construction, and has been deleted. And the settings have changed, so hopefully, the last of that.
I wonder what the Uneyetarian beliefs would be regarding the sole? I’d like to see their theologians flounder with that.
A religion based on the consumption of cake must be a good thing. Call the baker!
(Is that a Big Red Button I see?)
Just a heads up, it seems Jon Rosenberg’s website got too much promoting today and went down. According to twitter, he is working on it.
*edit* it appears he has it back up! *edit*
Splendid outrage Nogg is showing there. 🙂
Sorry, Chris. I’m just not getting into this comic. I believe I’ve given it a fair trial but it’s just not working for me. I preferred the simple elegance of Dee. This appears to be contrived and unnecessarily “busy”. I admit my taste in comix is rather old school, so you should be able to build a solid fan base and I wish you well. I want badly to get into this as the story of a kidnapped earth girl who is a heroine in space appeals to me, but I just can’t get past the garishness. I do believe the drawing is very good, and you have real talent, but it just doesn’t run my way with this particular comic.
Than you very much for Dee and I’ll check in here from time to time to see if the story takes a twist I can get into. I appreciate your storytelling but for me, less is more.
Good luck.
@Warped_One, thanks for giving it a go, but I don’t expect all who liked one to like the other, they are such different beasts. When wanting an orange, an apple simply won’t have the citrus desired.
I think this is my favorite strip so far. Martina’s new outfit is hot, too.
For me, the complexity is a plus. One of the things I love about this strip is the sheer number of different alien designs, which come along fast and furious. That aspect reminds me of stuff like Matt Howarth’s Keif Llama comics.
Hi Chris
The poll option I would have picked (had it been available) would be: “I’d buy original artwork in a heartbeat if it had the amazing colours we can see on the web; the original sepia just doesn’t have the same appeal”.
But i LOVE reading the strip online.
Hey Chris,
I’ve been enjoying the strip–was a big Dee fan, but this is cool, too. As you say, different! I second the complexity being a plus and that Martina’s new outfit is hot. 🙂
Site redesign suggestion: Would you consider putting a set of navigation buttons (previous, first, last, all that) at the top of the page, too? I always go back and re-read the previous strip before I check out the current one, and when I scroll down to where the buttons are I see the whole strip and I’d rather have it be a surprise. I know you’ve got that calendar thingie up there so you can click on past dates, but when you do, those pages don’t have navigation buttons at all (at least not on my computer). And I know I can just hit “back” on my browser, but I like buttons! And the ones you use are all cool and shiny…
Thanks so much for all the comicking!
Thanks, Kat! I’m not as used to the horizontal format, but that’s a really good idea. Will do!
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