03/21/14 Duty Re-Assignment


Been busy writing. Finished the current draft of the Little Dee graphic novel script. Spent all day Thursday working on my regular novel, and will probably be on that all day Friday. Made a cake, and rice, and fed the birds, did laundry, etc etc. Good times.

Been social too. Thursday night was writer’s group and then drinks afterwards. This weekend I’ll be volunteering helping the Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra set up (and will get to see them perform Sunday) and then GAME NIGHT again on Saturday. More cards. Fun fun.

03/19/14 How To React


Sweetie was totally sick on Monday,  which was sad. So I drew and took care of her and it was an indoor quiet day. Spent all day Tuesday working on the Little Dee graphic novel script. Considered going to studio drawing for about twenty seconds, but kept working. Painted a tad bit to relax. Ha!

My friend Matt is running a Kickstarter for his comic Catbeard. Solid stuff. Check it out. Here’s a link to the strip itself: Catbeard.

02/26/14 Gordon Confesses


Reminds me of some of the BS I used to say to avoid accountability in office jobs. Ah, the good ol’ days.

Had a lovely birthday. Went for a long walk, looked at art books in the library, went to studio drawing, and then my sweetie and I went out to dinner. It’s a strange thing, because on your birthday it’s nice to do what you really love, but for me I do that every day all day (writing, painting, drawing), and so I kinda’ had to step sideways and not let myself do any any work (the studio drawing is more a fun thing).

Anyhow. AT studio drawing, I tried working straight on my digital palette. Not sure I love the results.


Tonight (Tuesday), I’m starting staying up until 5:00am, which is when I need to have the script done Friday-night/Saturday-morning for the “24 hour play fest.” If I don’t condition myself a few days in advance, on Friday I’ll turn into a pumpkin at midnight.

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

02/19/14 Gordon Emotes


I skipped studio drawing today. Not sure if it was even on. It snowed again. It’s that late February time when winter begins to feel oppressive. But then spring is all the nicer, right? Anyhow, here’s a couple drawings I did over the last month. One this winter from our kitchen window, the other from this past summer, of me doing plein air painting with my friends (wearing my happy red sou’wester). I like the contrast in palette and how it gives such a different sense of life and warmth. winter_summer

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

02/10/14 Network Secure


Very excited. Here in Glens Falls they’re having a “24 hour play fest.” 10 teams of: 1 writer, 1 director, 4 actors each. All teams meets separately February 28th in the evening, the writers write all night, and the director/actors begin rehearsals at 9 in the morning, and the plays go up for one show of all of them back-to-back that following night.

And I’ve been chosen as one of the writers! What fun!

Had a good weekend. Ran errands, sat around sipping coffee, finish the first draft of the Little Dee graphic novel. Good times.

So, my hands are never idle. This weekend I did some more watercolor drawings (will post in a later blog, I haven’t scanned them in yet). But I also pulled out a piece of soapstone and have begun carving it into a ram. Fun!

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

01/31/14 A Drink And A Game


I’ve run out of sketches. Now, what do I blog about? An update perhaps.

Working hard on the “Little Dee” graphic novel script. And “Girl Genius” drawings. And “One Way.” I’m back in New York. Got to play racquetball, so I can start shedding the pounds I picked up from the lazing about and amazing food I enjoyed in New Mexico.

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

01/17/14 Dynamic Stability


Spent Thursday in Santa Fe, just walking around. It’s so odd to be a place visually so drastically different. It awakens the senses a bit, and makes you question how things are done differently. And it’s such a good feeling to sit in a cafe in a strange town, writing letters to friends. One of life’s pure pleasures.


Check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!