03/24/14 Final Words


Ah, seeing the the Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra was nice. And it totally got my brain cells working too, which I love. I often come out of classical music with one or two new really good ideas. In fact, I wonder these days if I even enjoy the music as much any more, or if I just go to get ideas. Either way, it was great timing, as I’m working madly on two graphic novel scripts.

Saturday night I held my own playing “Sheep’s Head,” but Charlotte was the clear winner of the night. Next time. NEXXXT TIIMMMEEE! :)

Other than that, I’ve just been kicking around with my sweetie.

03/21/14 Duty Re-Assignment


Been busy writing. Finished the current draft of the Little Dee graphic novel script. Spent all day Thursday working on my regular novel, and will probably be on that all day Friday. Made a cake, and rice, and fed the birds, did laundry, etc etc. Good times.

Been social too. Thursday night was writer’s group and then drinks afterwards. This weekend I’ll be volunteering helping the Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra set up (and will get to see them perform Sunday) and then GAME NIGHT again on Saturday. More cards. Fun fun.

03/19/14 How To React


Sweetie was totally sick on Monday,  which was sad. So I drew and took care of her and it was an indoor quiet day. Spent all day Tuesday working on the Little Dee graphic novel script. Considered going to studio drawing for about twenty seconds, but kept working. Painted a tad bit to relax. Ha!

My friend Matt is running a Kickstarter for his comic Catbeard. Solid stuff. Check it out. Here’s a link to the strip itself: Catbeard.

03/10/14 Outside Inspection


Saturday was kinda’ lame, a day or errands. But Sunday was nice. Sunny, and my sweetie and I walked to the local art museum (free on the 2nd Sunday of the month), and then to the community theater downtown which was playing “Neverending Story” which I’ve never seen, and so seeing it on the big screen seemed like a good idea. Some coffee in the sun with bread and hummus. One of those super pleasant days.

Staurday wasn’t a total write-off though, I did do some more work this weekend on the painting of my sweetie. Personally, I LOVE in-progress pictures, and so I’m going to keep posting them for those who share the same like.


02/19/14 Gordon Emotes


I skipped studio drawing today. Not sure if it was even on. It snowed again. It’s that late February time when winter begins to feel oppressive. But then spring is all the nicer, right? Anyhow, here’s a couple drawings I did over the last month. One this winter from our kitchen window, the other from this past summer, of me doing plein air painting with my friends (wearing my happy red sou’wester). I like the contrast in palette and how it gives such a different sense of life and warmth. winter_summer

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

02/12/14 Like An Ape


Another normal Monday and Tuesday for me. Drew a lot. Model Studio drawing is back on, so I did that (haven’t scanned them in yet though). I made potato soup. We made caramel corn. We went and saw “Monuments Men” which was entertaining, and I’m glad it’s out there to bring light to an interesting part of history, but it was a wee bit flat. I wouldn’t mind seeing the no-doubt-very-long cut if it exists.

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

So, Marvel Comics is repackaging Ms. Marvel, and old superhero, to be  shape-shifting 16 year-old Muslim girl. There’s a drawing group I’m part of, and so we all did a crack at it (one of the wash drawings I mentioned). Mine’s below, but here’s a link to all of them.


02/05/14 Career Choices


Went to model drawing class, only to find it starts next week! Argh.

Ah well. Ran errands while out — Post office, drug store, office supply store. Drew another Girl genius page. Ate some homemade banana bread (yum!). Called my mom to wish her a belated birthday. Another day-in-the-life.

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

02/03/14 Brooding


So, I finally took “One Way” down from spacetrawler.com, and that site is now exclusively designated for the Spacetrawler archive. That will simplify things for me (double uploading) quite a bit. Yay!

Played me some racquetball. Got my taxes half done. Finally obtained the missing high res files of my old strip “Bruno” and fixed January’s strips over at brunostrip.com. Submitted some writing samples to a local theatrical event. Bought drawing paper. Dreamed of oil paint. Good times.

As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

01/27/14 Starsick


Last doodles from my trip (probably). Fly back to New York today. Looking forward to seeing my sweetie and the kitties. I love the SW, but I also love returning home. Trips are such a perfect idea!


As mentioned, throughout January and February, check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!