01/10/14 Olivia Remembers


Blogging from the Albany airport, awaiting to take of to Albuquerque (where I’ll remember to take that right turn, thank you, Dan). Come to the Albuquerque Comic Con this weekend, say hello. Good times.

It’ll be a nice vacation, and I’ll be staying with my good friends Cedra and Fred. It would be nice to be a tad warmer, they’re about 5,000 feet up so it’s chilly, but it will be so lovely to be in desert again, new sights, and NOT below zero during the day. I’m psyched.

Check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!

01/08/14 Light The Far Drive



Nothing much of news. Getting ready for my trip to Albuquerque in a couple days (I’ll be tabling at the ABQ Comic Con, come to it!). It’ll be cold there, but nice to be in a different place AND in non-subzero temps. Plus I’ll be staying with good friends, including Fred (the one who has helped me with all the science!), where I’ll enjoy good company and good food.

Had a lovely lunch with some art friends today. Ran errands. Drew. Good times.

Check out the fill-in art I’m doing for Phil and Kaja over at Girl Genius!