08/29/14 Death Simplifies


Thursday I drove down with Mike Peterson (I illustrate newspaper serial stories he writes) to Albany to meet Mary Miller of the NYNPA NIE (New York News Publisher’s Association, Newspapers In Education). Which is nice, Mary is responsible for much of the grants for funding for theses stories, and I’d yet to meet her (and she’s a hoot). Oh, and, btw, contact Mike or Mary if you wish educational serials to run in YOUR paper.

08/20/14 Vote The Obvious


My agent, the fabulous Susan Hawk, posted an article over the weekend which is essentially her asking all her authors about revision and feedback and such. My advice is in there, but it pale compared to some of the great things people wrote. Check it out.

Also: Thursday I’ll be doing a huge chalk drawing for Chalk Fest, Glens Falls, NY 2014. Can’t wait (and hope it doesn’t rain)! The theme is Lichtenstein. You may remember the dragon I did last year…

08/18/14 – All Here


My sweetie’s mom was up for the weekend. A day of driving, movies, food, and general conversation. but now I need a weekend to relax. 😉

Saw the new Woody Allen “Magic In The Moonlight,” which was a silly romance. I enjoy his films a lot, even the silly ones.

Oh, and I started a new painting. Just blocked it out, but I love “process” pictures, so I’m going to share it.


08/01/14 Jetpack


I love the concept of jetpacks, but I know I’m clumsy enough that I’d break my head the first time I tried one. BUT, by the time we’ve invented a jetpack, smart cars that drive themselves will be par for the course and jetpacks will KEEP you from breaking your head. That’s the basis for the physics of this strip and WHY Olivia didn’t break her head.

07/28/14 Trend Setters


Another quiet weekend. I made caramel corn, and we watched “All The Little Animals” (Christian Bale was around 23, so young!). We took a few walks: over to the graveyard and to a cafe. I doodled here and there, and deeply contemplated my novel (which has a few questions I need to answer before I can move on with it).

07/21/14 Angie’s Plea


Monday is here! Had a quiet weekend. Was a bit under the weather Saturday, so while I was sitting around taking care of myself I FINALLY finished the first draft of the novel. Done! Well, now the real work begins. Edit edit edit.

Then Sunday we went for a small hike. Good quiet sweet times.

I think everyone else was at San Diego Comic Con. Huh. That would explain why it’s been so quiet.

06/25/14 Next In Command


For those of you who have been considering supporting my Patreon, especially at the $8 level (where you get a new POSTCARD every month), get in there before the end of the month so as to not miss the first postcard. Catch ’em all, like… um… Pokemon?

As I mentioned, I drew during the local play production (the tech/dress rehearsal) of “Fully Committed” starring Sam Lloyd (from “Scrubs”) through ATF (Adirondack Theater Festival). The pictures are hanging in the lobby for the duration of the show. It’s a fun program called “TOONing In” and here are some of the pics I did. If you’re local come in for any of the four shows! 🙂
