06/23/14 Taking Charge


Hope everyone had a great weekend. Everything was fine here. I went in and did some drawings during a local play production (the dress rehearsal) of “Fully Committed” starring Sam Lloyd (from “Scrubs”), pictures which will hang in the lobby during the run of the show. It’s a fun program called “TOONing In” (which kinda happened because I saw it done in portland and passed that kernel along). I haven’t scanned them in or anything, but I will soon and share some then.

My sweetie and I FINALLY got to Massachusetts for the first time this year, just barely enough time to do a whirlwind visit of my dad and then my mom. Funny how weekends can be so exhausting!

06/18/18 All About

For those who didn’t notice: I have set up a Patreon page! A way of easy tipping which would have made even Edward Bellamy proud. if you don’t want to trek all the way there to see the video i did explaining it all (the first minute is actually even informative), here you go!

Now you should go to the Patreon page, before another moment passes! 🙂


Monday was good. Met up with plein air buddies (first time since last summer) and we sat around painting and drawing and drinking tea. What a fun way to work!

If you didn’t visit my Patreon page above, check it out!


06/13/14 The Language Code


The plot THICKENS! (like soup!)

Wednesday my sweetie decided to move her office up two floors, and so we were up into the wee hours of the night moving heavy stuff. Thursday had to get up early. I am a tired, sore, a mess.

Our kitty, Verdi, is not well, infections and coughing, hacking… stuff that’s been going on for years. Finally took him (the “early morning” thing I just mentioned) to the vet for a full look-over (not that we haven’t done this before), and hoping to find answers. Always sad. It’s like a baby, in that you can’t explain “we’re poking and prodding you for your own good.” But at least we finally found an e-collar to keep him from chewing his tummy (did you know that stands for “Elizabethan collar,” which makes it feel more classy than a “plastic head guard.”

NASA, you are way cool. (and notice the ship warp drive design-and-ring, and how it kinda’ looks like our fair ship in One Way)


06/11/14 Entering Easy Street


Had a lovely Monday night with friends, chit-chatting, exchanging stories, drinking iced tea. And then Tuesday (after a rousing bout of racquetball, and a morning of work) I picked up our first CSA box! I’ve wanted to join a CSA for years, and finally it worked out for my sweetie and I with logistics, finances etc. Yumminess.

This week my brain is already abuzz with everything I’m working on (about 8 projects, plus oils paintings). Am SO excited by ALL of these projects, I can barely tell you! BUZZZZZ!

06/09/14 Another Clue


Had a nice weekend. Played some racquetball? Came up with ideas for a new project. Oh, two new projects. Met some great folk on Friday at the Adirondack Theater Festival, where I’ll be one of the artists who will be drawing during dress rehearsal for shows. Sweetie and I went and saw “Cold in July” but really disliked it (it got largely good reviews, so we must have missed something). Lot’s of walking and petting cats.

Worked a little bit on the self portrait. Mostly just the green curtain. It’s plodding along, along with the other half dozen projects I’m juggling.


06/06/14 Olivia Tells The Captain


So, I finally finished and colored the three unfinished Spacetrawler strips. Wow. That was some block. It totally makes sense too. Spacetrawler was a LOT of work, and doing it for four years totally wiped me out (thought was COMPLETELY worth it), and so when I was done and walked away it was a huge struggle to get myself to walk back to it. Anyhow. I’m glad they’re done. Yay! read them starting HERE (or, the first, second, and third).

Had a Nice Thursday. LARAC (an arts organization in town) had a free show of The Adirondack Shakespeare Company performing “the Blackest Sins: Shakespeare’s Villains,” which was loads of fun, good theatrical patter in-between REALLY well chosen scenes from various plays. Loved it.

06/04/14 Turnaround Complete


Hello Wednesday!

Sorry, ioio, still no Spacetrawler colored. But it’s on my mind! 😉

Oh, hey! I finally bought a plane ticket. It’s official, I’ll be at Convergence Science-Fiction/Fantasy Convention in Minneapolis for 4th of July weekend. Come! It’s way fun! And find me in the dealer’s room.

Convergence Sci-Fi Con
July 3-6, Bloomington, MN

A lot of Kickstarters going on. Must be in the air. Jorge Cham of PHD has one up for a sequel to the PHD movie based on his comic (you can even watch the first movie while you think about it). Zach Weiner of SMBC is writing/funding a children’s book “Augie and the Green Knight” illustrated by the amazing Boulet. Danielle Corsetto of Girls With Slingshots is doing a KS fundraiser for a US tour, get her lovely swag!

Me? I’m just up to the usual. Another marathon day of laying out the Little Dee graphic novel today. 17 pages. Seems one could lay out more in a day, but I guess I’m thumb nailing them and such as well. Anyhow, loving it, it’s coming out GREAT, and I’m super excited.

06/02/14 Half Way Point


June’s here already? Ay-yi-yi.

Had a fine weekend. We walked around town. Saw my friend Sherry read from her new book of poetry, Deep Kiss. We made a batch of vegan cheese, some muffins.

After about a month of my new novel being stalled (a chapter I just couldn’t figure out), I finally DID figure it out and wrote it on Friday, and it came out well. I’m very happy to have the tub unplugged. Except the next chapter might be a difficult one too. Hrm.