08/29/14 Death Simplifies


Thursday I drove down with Mike Peterson (I illustrate newspaper serial stories he writes) to Albany to meet Mary Miller of the NYNPA NIE (New York News Publisher’s Association, Newspapers In Education). Which is nice, Mary is responsible for much of the grants for funding for theses stories, and I’d yet to meet her (and she’s a hoot). Oh, and, btw, contact Mike or Mary if you wish educational serials to run in YOUR paper.

8/25/14 On Being Brave


I don’t watch a lot of movies these days, but it ended up being an interesting weekend for movies. We watched a Swiss sci-fi film “Cargo” which was pretty dang engaging and visually cool. The plot tension seemed to be trying to be more tense than I felt it effectively was. but I liked the story and ideas and characters. And then we watched “Boyhood” which you’d probably only like if you like Linklater. And I do (well, the “before” trilogy at least). but also, it was a fascinating project, filming it over YEARS so you actually got to see the kid grow up. Reminiscent of the “Seven Up” series.

Oh, we also watched “Oblivion” with Tom Cruise. Pretty, but… the story and characters just didn’t feel like they held together.

Saw the talented Anthime Miller at Rock Hill on Saturday, and it was truly lovely (imagine the love-child of Chet Baker and Antony and the Johnsons on cello). Afterwards I bumped into some friends and we got wine. It was just that kind of awesome weekend.

08/22/14 Complete The Mission


Chalk Fest went…. not at all. It rained all night before and here and there through the day. Ah well. Might be rescheduled September 18th. We’ll see. but all was fine. Inked more “Little Dee” pages, and then my dad and his girlfriend had come out to see the chalk-fest, so instead we walked around art-walk and then had dinner, which was super nice.

Listening to the audiobook of “Confederacy of Dunces,” which I haven’t read for a good long time. What a wonderful novel, so far ahead of its time (1963!). Love it.

08/20/14 Vote The Obvious


My agent, the fabulous Susan Hawk, posted an article over the weekend which is essentially her asking all her authors about revision and feedback and such. My advice is in there, but it pale compared to some of the great things people wrote. Check it out.

Also: Thursday I’ll be doing a huge chalk drawing for Chalk Fest, Glens Falls, NY 2014. Can’t wait (and hope it doesn’t rain)! The theme is Lichtenstein. You may remember the dragon I did last year…

08/18/14 – All Here


My sweetie’s mom was up for the weekend. A day of driving, movies, food, and general conversation. but now I need a weekend to relax. 😉

Saw the new Woody Allen “Magic In The Moonlight,” which was a silly romance. I enjoy his films a lot, even the silly ones.

Oh, and I started a new painting. Just blocked it out, but I love “process” pictures, so I’m going to share it.


08/15/14 Like A Teenager


Met up with some writer friends last night, and they helped by tearing apart the intro of the comic-to-replace-One-Way-due-out-around-new-years. Overall it’s coming out great and I’ve been getting good feedback, I’m just working now to make it even stronger.

But most of the night was just cracking jokes and eating cookies until midnight. Which is about as close to perfection as I know it.

08/11/14 Giving All Or A Jerk


A nice mellow weekend. A local theater company performed “Taming of the Shrew” in the park down in Saratoga Springs. A fun light treatment of it. and a friend invited me to see “A Most Wanted Man,” which reminded me of the all the nordic detective shows and movies I’ve loved. Played some racquetball, went on a long bike ride with my sweetie (who roller skated the whole way).

And Monday rolls around again, along with a week crammed with inking the Little Dee graphic novel. I am ready for it! 🙂