12/19/14 Tallied Votes


I know I mentioned getting a car… but… perhaps I said that too prematurely.


If anyone knows of a reliable minivan/wagon/van within my reach, in the 1.5-3k range. One that will go cross country and then some, and that a mechanic would give the thumbs up — drop me a line. 🙂

if anyone wants to donate a vehicle (of any sort, but which is reliable as per above) to a poor-yet-adventurous cartoonist in exchange for, I don’t know, an oil painting? Now’s your chance!

12/12/14 The Alien Promise


I’ve been shopping for vehicles. I need something reliable, under 2k, and which is big enough to haul stuff (station wagon, minivan, van, etc). A camper would be sweet, but anything decent is pretty expensive. Anyhow, exhausting doing all this research. I haven’t bought a car in 15 years (and sold my last one 13 years ago), so I’m a bit out of the loop.