So, yes. Minneapolis. There was this thing. Convergence. An annual SF/F convention in Minneapolis on 4th of July weekend. Four days of costumes, panels, movies, more costumes, strange drinks, music, House of Toast, Art Show, and of course where I was stationed most of the weekend: The Dealer’s Room. Since this is my third year there, I know a few people, and got to say hello which was quite nice. But mostly I worked hard, had some good conversations, and then walked around for a few hours after amongst the chaos of the convention before finding a tiny corner to hide in and putter on my laptop. Only after the weekend was over did I realize that Marina Sirtis had been a featured guest (Counselor Troy). I am not very good at these things. But, anyways, if you’re near the twin-cities, like SF/F, like costumes, you should find yourself a place like this. You will feel at home. Plus, toast.

After the weekend, I spent a couple days enjoying the twin cities (Minneapolis and St Paul). I first went there around 1990, and it’s one of my favorite cities in the US. If it weren’t for winters, I’d even consider it a place one could move to. Anyhow, my friend (who put me up) and I got good food, had food with family, and went to the sculpture garden and the art museum (the cherry spoon bridge is the sculpture garden’s signature piece, btw). A lovely time.