Stewart Baker, who so kindly heaped build this awesome site, is also an excellent writer. He has a very short story up now on dailysciencefiction.com, dark and weird with a twist…. just like I like. Check it out!
And also, we have two cats looking for a good home, but it should be a home where they are the only cats. They are both super cuddly and sweet, and when we brought Babette (the grey one) home from off the street as a wee kitten, her and Lucy (a mama from the streets herself) totally bonded. So they keep each other company (as seen in the video below)
They are both affectionate. Babette is playful and she likes lots of petting in the morning, and her meow is like a purr-chirping. Lucy is a jumper and climber, and loves laps and rocking chairs. They both have all their shots and are spayed etc.
The problem is, even after a couple years, they remain territorial and antagonistic to the other cats. We have six total, and the disharmony is making everyone unhappy (including us).
We love them both dearly, but feel all would be happy if we re-homed them. If you have no cats and want two, or know someone who does (we’re willing to drive a few hours out from the Albany, NY area in any direction), please contact me.
Thank you! -Christopher