August 2004
Journal Notes Archive
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10/01/2004 - So, sketches this week, i allowed myself to draw with a felt-tip pen, which I NEVER let myself do because it's far too addicting... And they dry out. Emptying an ink cartiridge in an rolling-ball pen is fine, even satisfying, but drying out seem too unscientific. Bugs me. Plus I began Bruno before I could afford such nicities (not like I can now either). But yeah, I do love how easy and free it is. As much as I love drawing with a brush, and have been really getting into it, it's really controlled in a way. These sketches are just "go-go, chris" very freeing. But yeah, some faces I reworked from my sketchblogs, some invented, and a lot from pictures I had around me at the time. Hope you like. :)



10/07/2004 - This is like the longest week ever, although I did get to see Twilight Samurai on Tuesday night which was beautiful.

But anyhow, i thought you all might be interested, I've been thinking about panel form a bit, and so today I tried what you see above with Bruno. The bottom one was originally how I drew it, which I think looks really good, but the problem is I think it feels more like a cinema or something, holds the viewer/reader one further step outside of the life happening in the panel. And so as attractive as it is, i don't think I will use it, or will find only particular circumstances where that tone would be appropriate. Which is why I drew on the rest.

If what i just typed makes no sense, tack it up to sleepiness.



10/08/2004 - Umm... just doodles and the like. I threw some zip-a-tone on the sketch I did in the Columbia Gorge last weekend. I actually like a large number of these sketches. Not sure what about them. Anyhow. I'll get some sleep this weekend and be more sane next. Although my sister is coming to visit on Saturday, very happy.



10/13/2004 - re: Bruno Book # 3 and #9

I know some of you have asked and many are likely wondering what the delay is. I'd say, fairly, that overall
Little Dee is the main culprit, both the spring release (time and funds) and the doing two comic strips thing, plus the new job, several freelance jobs, and an overly busy summer are to share the blame.

But It is all underway. I am putting in a half-hour here, a half-hour there, and both are being worked on and will hopefully be out (cross your fingers) to the printer by months' end.

Just thought you'd want to know.



10/14/2004 - If any of you are wondering why I haven't mentioned the presidential election, I guess it's simply because I have little to say on the matter. I plan on voting, and I'm going to have two options put in front of me, and think Kerry is better than Bush. The only thing really to add further is that I do not understand how anyone could vote for Bush, but so it goes, peope will, and that's how things are.

Hard to get too spirited up since Kuchinich dropped. Oh, and I won't respond to argumentative emails, I simply don't have the energy right now, so I encourage you to put your energy into more constructive things.

Here's some things I care about, if it'd cheer you all up:
a healthy environment
organic and non BGH foods
equal rights for all
a religious-free government
social programs

And other things too, but that last item on the list beckons me.



10/15/2004 - Jeeze, it's Friday already.

So, um, sketches. First i just wanted to make an observation. In the last month or so my whole perspective on the shape and anatomy of the face has suddenly felt different, like that I'm actually learning and growing again in that arena. And I attribute that directly to this sketchblog. Not something I directly expected, but definitely a positive thing.

This week of sketches is kinda' just this and that. A felt-tipped pen again. Kyle came over and I doodled him (doesn't really look like him, but it amuses me). I went to the doctor for a routine physical (been about 7 years) today, thus the medical stuff. but yeah. :)



10/18/2004 - So... ummm... I missed it when I hit strip # 2,000. In fact, I just counted them this evening, and today is strip # 2,515. Guess I wasn't paying close enough attention. It's really hard for me to fathom. I've drawn two-thousand five-hundred and fifteen Bruno strips. So um, congrats to me and all that. I guess.



10/20/2004 - So 2,515. Yeah, anyhow, ahem, so a year or so ago Dylan Horrocks reccommended to me the book W, of the Memory of a Childhood by Georges Perec. Basically Dylan seemed to find the juxtaposition of the two stories, told simultaneously, to be interesting (gross simplification so as to not put words in his mouth). As did I, but it was interesting to me in that slow on the back-burner kind of way. Recently it's come up again because I've been looking for something to add dimension to the graphic novel I'm slowly slowly writing. And I began noticing it in quite a few things which I liked, such as most of Jeannette Winterson's works, and umm... in a few other places with unfortunately escape my crummy memory at this late hour. Damnit. :sigh: Anyhow, I'm not sure I will utilize it in the "graphic novel" project, but more amusingly, and to the point of this anecdote, it seems to have cropped up in today's and tomorrow's strip, inasmuch as it would fit into the bruno world. I say that because what's happening in both strips are related at points, but are in many ways unrelated, that there's something more in the relation of the two events, that describe each other, or define some other diminsion to it that may not be able to be gotten across otherwise.

My subconcious is always being terribly more clever than I am. But such is how it is.



10/22/2004 - Sketches! Umm.. lots to say, but my tongue is not loose tonight. Go figure. I like 'em. And um.. have a good weekend. :)



10/26/2004 - More playing around with panels.



10/27/2004 - You may want to brace yourself for a few non-punchline strips here. There's a few things going on. First is that, like poetry, or some movies without hollywood plots, I'm trying to capture a moment, or a relationship. Secondly, Book #9 is actually going to include the strips which go through mid-November. Yeah, a big book, and so these next few weeks of strips conclude Book #9, and I'm actually putting some weight on them for that reason. Amazingly, the book has a theme, captured in the title.

On a sad note, for those who would find this sad, that means the books will not be out by Christmas, or more likely, and as luck would have it, will be out a day or two before. In fact, I've been so swamped I'm not going to try and do holiday cards for Heifer this year, nor try to come up with some other little sale item for the holidays. I'm going to try and simply get the book to the printer, and enjoy some time with people I care about.

Andyhow, off to bed. Came down with a bit of a flu this week, so hopefully I can get plenty or rest tonight.



10/29/2004 - Drawing is Like breathing

So, more sketches this week. I'll start off with what i was going to write about last week, which is this: Even though I keep having moments of wanting to drop the sketchblog thing, despite that, I just seem to keep understanding the human body and face more and more, seem to be broadening my cartooning vocabulary, through doing it, and though these sketches may not seem much different from things I've done, there is a world of difference I can see, and it pleases me. :)

As far as this week in particular, just more drawings out of my imagination. Pencilled and then inked with a simple felt-tip. Nothing really much to remark on. I'm happy with the asian woman's face. it can be difficult creating "ethnic" faces without going to usual stereotypes, which for asians would be the slanty eyes. And the underwater woman there, this last year I seem to have developed a hobby (or perhaps, rather, an interest) with underwater exploration and sea life, and now it seems to be invading my imagination too.

Have a great weekend. :)



August 2004
Journal Notes Archive
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