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As a posse of vehicles chased Val, Audri and Gerek, they flew their hover vehicle into town. Val asked Gerek, "Since there are no roads, how can I tell where I can fly this thing or not?" Gerek pointed at the dashboard and said, "It tells you. On the dashboard." Looking at the dashboard as she continued flying them, Val said, "There are so many blinking lights. I have no idea which one you're talking about." They then fly their vehicle off a road and down a long set of public stairs. Val asked, "Oh, is it the one flashing red which says, 'not on a road!'"? Gerek said, "Yes." Alarmed, Audri said, "This is my stop! I'd like to get off please!"


Roads? We don’t need no stinkin’ roads. Or badges.

———————-Alt Text———————-
As a posse of vehicles chased Val, Audri and Gerek, they flew their hover vehicle into town. Val asked Gerek, “Since there are no roads, how can I tell where I can fly this thing or not?” Gerek pointed at the dashboard and said, “It tells you. On the dashboard.” Looking at the dashboard as she continued flying them, Val said, “There are so many blinking lights. I have no idea which one you’re talking about.” They then fly their vehicle off a road and down a long set of public stairs. Val asked, “Oh, is it the one flashing red which says, ‘not on a road!'”? Gerek said, “Yes.” Alarmed, Audri said, “This is my stop! I’d like to get off please!”
———————-/Alt Text———————-


Author: Christopher Baldwin
Posted: January 8, 2025, 5:01 am