I’m camping. Actually taking a weekend, just not on Saturday and Sunday. But the strips go onwards!
Tag Archives: Anna Galactic
07/01/15 The City 01
06/29/15 Setting Out 12
When this post posts, I should, theoretically, be somewhere around Wyoming, heading back towards Olympia, WA. A road trip with my friend which I’ve been looking forward to for a long while now. 🙂
06/26/15 Setting Out 11
I am full of wedding activity things in Madison. Hellllllooooo! 🙂
06/24/15 Setting Out 10
I’m in Madison for a few days. But lemmie tell you about the drive here. It looked like it was going to be rain/lightening/flooded out where I’d planned to camp. Then the reservation site wasn’t letting me reserve a site. Then, like magic, the weather forecast completely cleared up and I found the most lovely little primitive camping area at Pony Express Lake Conservation Area just north of Kansas city. Free and had it all to myself. So peaceful!
06/19/15 Setting Out 08
Phew. This weekend I’m heading up to Madison, WI. I’m on the edge of my buffer of strips, so cross your fingers. I’m still hoping for no interruptions. 🙂
06/17/15 Setting Out 07
06/15/15 Setting Out 06
I am now in Texas, painting every moment that I’m not drawing, sleeping, or at dinner parties. Crazy times.