I went on a wee adventure Tuesday, to Bend, OR today. Good food and too many thrift store. Just how I like it.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
05/30/16 No Man’s Land 22
05/27/16 No Man’s Land 21
I’ve been thinking until my brain started squirting out of my ears, vining out like I’d eaten watermelon seeds. I guess it’s time for MORE thinking! Have a great weekend!
05/25/16 No Man’s Land 20
I am in a couple weeks of nothing but deep, deep thought. Yes, taking time to, and solid time, to draw Anna Galactic, as well as other things. but mostly it is a hinge time when I decided a lot of things. What project is next, what other side-projects I am going to propose to my agent, what directions to take some pre-existing projects. I am loving it. Sit. Think. Type a little. Walk and think (I do my best thinking while walking). Type a little more. Have a peanut butter and jelly.
Good times.
Oh, and you should buy a printed copy of Yontengu!
05/23/16 No Man’s Land 19
05/20/16 No Man’s Land 18
05/18/16 No Man’s Land 17
This weekend I had a great time with Cedra and our two writer friends from San Francisco, staying in the beautiful San Jan Islands NW of Seattle. How lucky to have such opportunities and such good company. I feel very lucky.
05/16/16 No Man’s Land 16
“Yontengu” has been printed and is for sale in my TopatoCo store!
The webcomic, written by myself and drawn by my good friend the amazing Don Ahé, has now found it’s way onto paper. Order now!