Category Archives: Uncategorized
11/02/15 The Ambush 09
Halloween past, the clock is now an hour behind or something. I’ve had wayyyy too much candy. Good times.
10/30/15 The Ambush 08
So, I threw in the towel for #inktober. It was lotsa’ fun, and produced lotsa’ fun drawings. But being sick this week just made everything kind of a struggle, so I felt happy wrapping up and tying the bow on that one.
Have a great weekend with your costumes and candy, and drive/walk/kiss safely.
10/28/15 The Ambush 07
10/26/15 The Ambush 06
#inktober (catching up from the weekend). The first one is Anpan from Nemu*Nemu (thanks again to Audra and Scott for letting me try the new metal nib pens)
10/23/15 The Ambush 05
Short one today. Have a great weekend!
annnnd…. #inktober
10/21/15 The Ambush 04
#inktober! And thanks to Audra and Scott over at the amazing webcomic Nemu*Nemu for the pen nibs to try out!
10/19/15 The Ambush 03
Annnd… my dearest Cedra, super-talented and who I am totally sweet on, has launched an Indiegogo campaign. Even the video has me charmed. Check it out.
and of course, more #inktober 12,13 & 14 (the ones I did over the weekend as well as today’s).
10/16/15 The Ambush 02
#inktober 12/31 Take my arm dear, let us off to the ball.
10/14/15 The Ambush 01
#inktober 10/31