Okay, so the internet peoples are scheduled to come to the house Thursday morning, hopefully all will be up and fully functional by then. In the meantime, we’ve driven to the town library and are using their internet for a couple hours to get caught up.
Thank you all for the kind words regarding the power outage. All is right as rain now. I apologize that I said we were “out of water,” when I meant we were “out of RUNNING water” (the well’s pump runs on electricity). We not only got to town and brought back more water than we needed, we found out we had a kind neighbor who gets their water from a higher-elevation spring, and so no electricity was needed for them to have water. ALSO, we just were hiking, so we have water purifiers and could have gotten it from the small river nearby if needed.
I did beat myself up a bit about my process now being digital, and so I needed power to do anything, but then I cut myself some slack. Even if it was drawn on paper, I have ALWAYS done post-production digitally, and have always colored digitally. So even if I hand drew Anna Galactic, it wouldn’t have helped. So, I’m being nice to me now. In fact, I think I deserve a cookie. 😉
Overall I didn’t sweat things. Power out means we simply lost a few things in the fridge, had to think about water, and couldn’t take showers. The road blocked by a tree meant that we couldn’t get to the library to do work or get online.
And so we had a huge candlelight feast with all the perishables. We read books and did crossword puzzles and sang and payed the ukulele. I have a solar thermos (not solar panels, but with concave mirrors which concentrate the suns’s beams into an evacuated glass tube to heat the water) and so we even had hot coffee.
I know. Roughin’ it. Right?
be well, -Christopher
EDIT: Whoot! Internet kicked in!