
Happy Monday! Unless you’re a Kthauwk.

06/27/16 Kthauwk’s Lair 11

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  1. This is a violation of the prime directive:
    Dont ‘splode alien live forms with limpet mines.

  2. True minando, but under the prime demolition directive, it’s said that explosives solve all problems. And if it doesn’t solve all problems, you are not using enough explosives.

  3. They just killed the last member of a species! Just blew it up! How …

    … Kthauwk-less …

    … of them.

  4. And how much of a hole has Pewter dug by this point? He’s probably just found his garden trowel, and sun hat.

  5. @Muzhik, groooaannnnnnn (augh! soooo bad/good)

  6. Well, this does solve Anna’s dilemma of whether or not she should poison the last of the species…

  7. This isn’t Star Trek so there is no {Prime Directive}.

    Unless the prime directive is the primal stay alive one then it is unwritten…

  8. Well, this does solve Anna’s dilemma of whether or not she should poison the last of the species…
    @Mouse, no, not really. All Teapot did was to destroy the connective tissue allowing one of the wings to flap while Foxglove cut into the other wing limiting the Kthauwk’s ability to fly.

    IOW, they’ve just guaranteed that they are now trapped in a pit with a pain-maddened killing machine. Excellent choice of survival strategies.

    Screw the Prime Directive.
    Time to roll out the Wicked Welcome Wagon!

  10. Looks to me like she didn’t manage to cut anything.

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